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I guess everyone is confirming with different places. My intel doesn't affect me as I'm not in the initial group. Mine is from personnel. Guess we'll wait and see as usual.
"What makes you think they'll promote the wrong man?"
Doesn't somebody have to call the command? Or at least the ICO to check and make sure there aren't any new cd's or to ask that any old ones be adjudicated?
Doesn't somebody have to call the command? Or at least the ICO to check and make sure there aren't any new cd's or to ask that any old ones be adjudicated?
Doesn't somebody have to call the command? Or at least the ICO to check and make sure there aren't any new cd's or to ask that any old ones be adjudicated?
A CD is a "Command Discipline" in the sense that it doesn't mean much outside the command, and it stays at the command level. A CD can not interfere with being promoted.
I've seen people get promoted and then get called down to their old command months after promotion to have an old CD adjudicated. They don't hold up anything.
Finest Message will direct that the transfers to the Academy be effective at 0001 on 11/28 (Saturday) and that the report time will be 0700 on the 30th (Monday), effectively chart changing you by Finest message.
Assuming you are a midnight cop that doesnt really do a lot of OT ... With the new sgts contract and the pba being out so long the raise would make up for the night diff ... And if you got stuck on day tours as a new sgt you would be ok
Assuming you are a midnight cop that doesnt really do a lot of OT ... With the new sgts contract and the pba being out so long the raise would make up for the night diff ... And if you got stuck on day tours as a new sgt you would be ok
The pay raise will not make up the difference for the night diff. But have no fear, most likely your getting midnights