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RE: December

gooch wrote:


 Last number I heard was 40



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SaltyCrimeGuy wrote:

106 SGTs for 12/23

 I heard that was the amount I was told were  cleared I don't know if thats how many are actually being promoted all I have heard was 70-80 unless that changed today I hope so for all left on the list. I did hear hear back that LT should be 40-50. If I hear anything about finest being tonite Ill post. Good luck to everyone left Hopefully its a Holiday class to exhaust this list. I hope everyone has been studying for LT lol this rank is rough and I don't see alot of miserable LT.



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106 Sgt
50 Lt
Dec 23rd


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Is the finest dropping tonight?



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106 confirmed for SGT Bmoc going in my source jus got back to me
50 LT
Don't know if Finest is down tonite or tomorrow
If I get confirmation Ill post


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Spot on


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I guess no finest tonight =(



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I haven't heard anything confirming today but last time it dropped late and they have dropped finest promos as late as 10:00 because Personnel is a disaster so it could drop. Don't know what the hold up is could be just that its a larger class they are taking longer to finalize.


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Supposedly they are holding it back


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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

Supposedly they are holding it back

 Is there a reason why or any clue when they will drop it?


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Im optimistic that it will drop but theres def a push back ongoing


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Or def a rumor of one but very optimistic that it drops



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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

Or def a rumor of one but very optimistic that it drops

 My source is on vaca and tbh I havent asked that much about promos since I got made but she was telling me something similar couple weeks back that they wanted small classes going forward thats why I was surprised to hear of a bigger class this month. There were also alot of rumors of difficulty with the new Chief of Personnel and she was the cause for alot of problems as of late so I wouldn't doubt there being a pushback. 

-- Edited by Taketheday on Wednesday 21st of December 2022 03:23:24 AM


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Do we think it will dropped this morning or at night? Any Intel would be much appreciated

-- Edited by sector7 on Wednesday 21st of December 2022 12:03:56 PM



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sector7 wrote:

Do we think it will dropped this morning or at night? Any Intel would be much appreciated

-- Edited by sector7 on Wednesday 21st of December 2022 12:03:56 PM

 I doubt itll drop before 1800


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DEA orientation for promotions tomorrow was just cancelled so I hope that doesnt mean the whole promotion is getting pushed back


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Tunit wrote:

DEA orientation for promotions tomorrow was just cancelled so I hope that doesnt mean the whole promotion is getting pushed back

This is insane, I hope not. My Command is very short, and they have been super understanding and accommodating anticipating my promotion this week. If it is delayed, I really cannot expect that same courtesy again.



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Hearing Promos May be off. Apparently there is some issue with City Hall and the PCs office not sure exactly what. But if I had to guess its something to do with the amount of personnel being promoted usually when its this close to the date and the amount is still not confirmed thats usually a bad sign. Going from 30-40 to 70-80 to 106 is a little odd. Just seems like they cant make up their mind. If there is no finest today then Promos are definitely off. If I get any more info I will post.


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109 Traffic Safety Sgt and Police Academy Security both received memos to enact the traffic plan around the Police Academy for increased vehicular traffic due to 12/23 promotions. Memo comes from COT office.


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Sick intel



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discretionary calls are out for 12/23


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Promotion class confirmed for Dec 23. Finest dropping shortly


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TicketoutofNarco wrote:

Promotion class confirmed for Dec 23. Finest dropping shortly

 Thanks for the Intel. Any word on numbers?

-- Edited by sector7 on Wednesday 21st of December 2022 08:22:18 PM


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yup  SGT I know just got told they're getting Special Assignment Friday.  So definitely happening



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Just got told Promo back on For Friday. Lol what a disaster I don't think numbers changed.


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Any word for when its going to drop today?


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Should be after 6


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Confirmed for Friday might be around 7-8pm


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SA pay and Det grades notifications went out



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Email just dropped!


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Its out fellas congrats


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Congrats to all


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Looks like they finished the list. Incredible


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Congrats to all! And a big thank you to all that continued to provide Intel even after their promotion.

-- Edited by sector7 on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 02:55:36 AM


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So there's approx. 50 holdovers left, with the list expiring next month. How many of them do you think will get promoted next month, or possibly die on the list?

-- Edited by countryroads on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 12:47:19 AM


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List is done. Close this bitch down



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Congrats to All!!! Welcome to the S**T Show lol.


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Amazing!!! Congratulations to everyone! We did it! Thank you Taketheday for picking things up in my absence. I'll catch up with you guys in the LT thread!


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There was a member here who told me and everyone here that the list would not get exhausted. I believe an apology is in order for creating such a negative environment here and adding unnecessary stress to the people who waited patiently


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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

There was a member here who told me and everyone here that the list would not get exhausted. I believe an apology is in order for creating such a negative environment here and adding unnecessary stress to the people who waited patiently

Oh grow a pair already. Snowflakes getting sgt rank. Thats gonna be a shit show

-- Edited by Happy Al on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 02:27:43 AM



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IamTheLaw wrote:

Amazing!!! Congratulations to everyone! We did it! Thank you Taketheday for picking things up in my absence. I'll catch up with you guys in the LT thread!

 I will try to continue to do so lolol. To anyone who is a holdover jus try and get cleared and if I get any info on a January promo I will post. I hope that everyone left on this list gets promoted.



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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

There was a member here who told me and everyone here that the list would not get exhausted. I believe an apology is in order for creating such a negative environment here and adding unnecessary stress to the people who waited patiently

 The only list that wasnt exhausted in the last 20 years was a single Lt list. Congrats to all!


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I know!!!!! Thats why I told that person not to spread negativity



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Thank you everyone who kept the hope alive and provided good info!



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Sosmoney1134 wrote:

There was a member here who told me and everyone here that the list would not get exhausted. I believe an apology is in order for creating such a negative environment here and adding unnecessary stress to the people who waited patiently

 The fact you held on to this actually makes you that much more pathetic. Im extremely content that everyone made it especially for the fact there was someone at the bottom I rooted for. once again, your ignorance shows because like i said before it was suggested to study & take the Sgt Exam JUST INCASE the list died, while benefiting from the studying to then get that consistency & study hours for the LT Exam. I look forward to more of your ignorance on the LT 2023 thread but maybe you should take your shots at the ppl on 2018 & 2019 who said this list was never going to go past 1600. Maybe most of these people should thank Covid for extending the list by a year. Maybe instead of talking shit you should be thankful theres help. I sure am, feels great having so many behind me. feel great to have all squads filled up. Feels great to have the tour I preferred. Feel great to have a squad that works for me. I literally lived rent free in your head for 7 months. 


Youre all Keyboard Warriors


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On that note, congrats to everyone making it on the list but its not officially done. Im really rooting for as many hold overs as possible. I truly believe they all deserve a chance. I truly believe the CARB system needs to be modified. It needs adjustments & leniency. People studied hard & worked hard to be on this list. They deserve every chance.


Youre all Keyboard Warriors

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And thank you for the heartfelt apology 



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Where is Narco26 ? He was the number 1 troll for list being cut at 1600.

-- Edited by Futureauxiliary on Thursday 22nd of December 2022 04:16:16 AM



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How many family member can you bring with you? No one reached out and this info was not in the email so I wouldn't know. It only states that guests can enter at 1300 hours and must be seated by 1345 hours. Also, what do the guests have to show or say upon arrival? Just the cops name?


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hhrock wrote:

How many family member can you bring with you? No one reached out and this info was not in the email so I wouldn't know. It only states that guests can enter at 1300 hours and must be seated by 1345 hours. Also, what do the guests have to show or say upon arrival? Just the cops name?

 they dont have to show anything. Just walk-in. As far as seating, its not guaranteed. 

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