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Post Info TOPIC: Sgt pay scale steps

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Sgt pay scale steps

Very simple 1 day as det=top pay sgt



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I was under the impression that not all detectives go straight to top pay Sgt. Depending on how much time on you have on the job.

If you get promoted to Detective after you were already a top pay cop, the pay scale is different then if you got promoted to Detective before you were a top pay cop.

So for example, if you made Detective as a uncle and got your shield on your 4th year, you have to see alot more steps to Detective top pay then a guy who was a top pay cop.

So in that instance, if you made Detective and then make Sergeant on your 5th or even 6th year, you still were not a Top Pay Detective and your salary would be LOWER then a Step 1 Sergeant, causing you not to go straight to top pay.

Wasn't the only reason Detectives were going straight to top pay boss was because they COULD NOT take a pay cut ?




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January 1, 2017 $92,184
January 1, 2018 $94,488
December 17, 2018 $97,322

These are THE TOP PAY salary figures of a 3rd Grade Detective.

First year Sergeant as of March 2017 makes $86,592

If you are an Undercover who took your promotion before your 5th year on the job, you have many more steps to get to Top Pay Detective. A newly promoted Undercover with less then 5 years on who makes about $83,000, will not hit top pay Sergeant when he gets promoted, because the starting pay for a new boss is $86,592. That Detective needs to reach higher steps exceeding that of $86,592 in order to skip that step. It all depends what pay step you are in and what your rank is getting payed that year. This is how it was explained to me.

If your current step in a Detective Pay scale is $ $87,000 for example, and you make boss, youll go to the next step in Sergeant ABOVE your current pay, which will 3rd year Sergeants pay. If it is UNDER what a first year Sergeant is supposed to make, you will not go straight to top pay Sergeant, you will get payed as a rookie boss in your first year.

This situation mostly applies to undercover officers.

Again, this is how someone (A Detective himself) broke it down to me. If I am wrong or I missed something, feel free to correct me.

-- Edited by TenFour16 on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 02:09:51 AM



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yankeefanhatebsox wrote:

Very simple 1 day as det=top pay sgt



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Actually let me rephrase that...if you are a top pay cop who makes detective and you get promoted to sgt the next day you are now a top pay sgt....if you got ur detective shield for whatever reason before you were a top pay cop it puts you in a different tier so in this scenario you would not be a top pay sgt...soooooooooo simply put....top pay cop who makes detective no matter how long you have ur det shield for when you get promoted to sgt you will be top pay sgt


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You don't have to be a top pay detective....but you must be a detective who hit top pay as a cop to get to top pay sgt


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Do you guys think that it's worth it to defer ur sgt promotion if u are scheduled to get ur det shield In March 2018? would this list expire by then u think?



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definately worth it IMO. However just make sure you sign up for that Lt test.


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Khalidviet wrote:

Do you guys think that it's worth it to defer ur sgt promotion if u are scheduled to get ur det shield In March 2018? would this list expire by then u think?

If you mean that you are up to get promoted to Sgt. within the next class or two but are also eligible to get promoted to Det. in March 2017, a I would definitely defer promotion. If your Det. shield is coming in March 2018, you and your family have some thinking to do. At the end it will all depend on the unit you are assigned to. Some will argue that it is a good incentive to go right to top pay, but in my opinion if you work in the wrong unit why risk a sure thing (Sgt. promotion) for what may come (Det. promotion). Besides you should not be thinking Sgt. top pay with an Lt. exam coming your way, you should be getting promoted to Lt. way before you reach Sgt. top pay.       

-- Edited by DT-Tres on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 09:11:57 PM


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March 2018? No way too risky....please look Into this very carefully


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I'M looking at a Det Promotion this summer.  Sgt Promotion next class.  I'm not risking waiting til summer. When the list is done, there is no going back on it. I looked into it with great detail.


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DT-Tres wrote:
Khalidviet wrote:

Do you guys think that it's worth it to defer ur sgt promotion if u are scheduled to get ur det shield In March 2018? would this list expire by then u think?

If you mean that you are up to get promoted to Sgt. within the next class or two but are also eligible to get promoted to Det. in March 2017, a I would definitely defer promotion. If your Det. shield is coming in March 2018, you and your family have some thinking to do. At the end it will all depend on the unit you are assigned to. Some will argue that it is a good incentive to go right to top pay, but in my opinion if you work in the wrong unit why risk a sure thing (Sgt. promotion) for what may come (Det. promotion). Besides you should not be thinking Sgt. top pay with an Lt. exam coming your way, you should be getting promoted to Lt. way before you reach Sgt. top pay.       

-- Edited by DT-Tres on Tuesday 10th of January 2017 09:11:57 PM

 Thanks, I thought so also. this list wont survive till March I believe.



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yankeefanhatebsox wrote:

March 2018? No way too risky....please look Into this very carefully

 After 2 years of temporary non-investigative assignment, they put me on track last August, I  think u'r right, deferring in for 1 year is pretty risky. It is what it is 



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Wait March 2018? Forget it I thought it was March 2017...... just take the Sgt promotion and pass that Lt test and you'll be monetary fine in a couple of years


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Using simple rough math, with a top pay cop basic at approx 78k and a entry level Sgt as of March of this year at approx 86, it's a nice 8,000 raise the day we get sworn in....sweet. Works out to roughly an extra 310ish per pay period.


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So we get a raise in march?

-- Edited by Dresch58 on Monday 16th of January 2017 09:55:35 PM


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Dresch58 wrote:

So we get a raise in march?

-- Edited by Dresch58 on Monday 16th of January 2017 09:55:35 PM

 Yes end of March. 2.5%


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This is one of my favorite threads on this site.


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Changes in contracts bring up these questions. Good thing we have this forum to help each other out.


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Passing along .....IMG_4028.JPGIMG_4027.JPG


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New pba contract.

5 years starting8/1/12
All % on 1st day of each year
9.35% compounded
Current through 7/31/17
3/15/17 longevity
5 year is 6,266
10 yr 7,471
15 yr 8678
20, 9914
Avg retro 10-11k before night diff or ot
3/15/17 neighborhood policing differential 2.25% of base for every cop every year. IS Pensionable
Terminal leave buyout- no cost
City agreed to start legislature for everyone
Tier 3 guys would pay extra 1%
New hires have to. Existing tier 3 guys have option. About 800 per year for new guys.
Tier 3 gets heart bill presumption back
Unborn - steps are slowed down.
All 3 lawsuits against city would be dropped.
MLC, body cam and use of heroin drug
We can start negotiations in April for new contract.


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Just my own two cents but i think the retro will be higher than 10-11k. The last retro i got $6,700 before night diff and overtime and that was only 1% and 1%.


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By looking at these numbers.. too pay cop will be making more than first year sergeant


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theyd just have 2 adjust the beginning salary steps no?


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There is also that matter of the 2.5 % NCO bonus. Sergeants and Lieutenants are involved in the NCO program too. That 2.5 % was not part of a yearly raise.


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What's going to be the increase pay for newly promoted Sgt. I'm hearing as long as there is a gap newly promoted Sgt's don't get a pay increase. is there a certain percentage we have to uphold for a gap between top pay cop to Sgt?


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A top pay cop cannot make more than a newly promoted Sgt. This new PBA contract makes a top pay cop's salary more than a newly promoted Sgt's salary however. I'm very curious to see how this plays out



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tweezy wrote:

A top pay cop cannot make more than a newly promoted Sgt. This new PBA contract makes a top pay cop's salary more than a newly promoted Sgt's salary however. I'm very curious to see how this plays out

 Should play out one of 2 ways:

1. Sba contract is amended to have entry level sgts make more than top pay cops or


2. All new sgts will be placed into the 2nd step of Sba contract as opposed to the entry level step. 


You cannot take a pay cut.  




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so 2016 was the worst year to make Sgt.. we're not eligible for the 3% year


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What do you mean? The 3% should kick in for all Sgts on the day that raise takes effect as per the contract


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Sgts get a 2.5 raise 3/30/17 and 3% on 3/30/18. 

I guess technically top pay cops make more than even third year Sgts only until 3/30/17

New top pay base salary is 85,292. Here is Sgt salary steps 

-- Edited by TransitJoe on Wednesday 1st of February 2017 05:00:16 PM

-- Edited by TransitJoe on Wednesday 1st of February 2017 05:02:19 PM


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Top pay base for cop is $87,200 now and entry level Sgt on 03/30/2017 $86,354 roughly $850 less than a police officer


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Contract Term

  • Five year period 
  • August 1, 2012 (expiration of current contract) to July 31, 2017. 

General Wage Increases

  • This contract contains NO ZEROS
  • Increases are applied on the first day of each contract year, as follows:
    • 1% effective August 1, 2012 (first day of contract) 
    • 1% effective August 1, 2013 
    • 1.5% effective August 1, 2014 
    • 2.5% effective August 1, 2015 
    • 3% effective August 1, 2016 
    • Total increase compounded over 5 years: 9.31%
  • New Longevity Steps (as of March 15, 2017), resulting from the escalator secured in the 2006-2010 negotiated agreement:
StepNew Longevity
5 years$6,266
10 years$7,471
15 years$8,678
20 years$9,914
  • General wage increases and longevity increases are fully retroactive. 

Neighborhood Policing Differential

  • Effective March 15, 2017: an additional 2.25% of base salary. 
  • Applies to ALL PBA MEMBERS, regardless of assignment, in perpetuity. 
  • Neighborhood Policing Differential will be treated as salary when computing overtime and holiday pay.
  • Neighborhood Policing Differential will be pensionable. 

Lump Sum Terminal Leave Cash-out

  • Effective March 15, 2017, members will be entitled to collect a one-time, lump sum payment in lieu of taking terminal leave.

Vacation Schedule

  • Effective March 15, 2017, there will be a new vacation schedule for new hires:
 New Vacation Schedule
1st year10 days
2nd year12 days
3rd year14 days
4th year14 days
5th year15 days
6th year21 days
Beyond 6th year27 days
  • Current members hired on or after July 1, 2008 will receive the better of the current schedule or new schedule.

New Hire Salary Schedule

  • New salary steps will be effective for members hired on or after March 15, 2017
  • Same number of steps with no stretch out, with changes to step amounts: 
 New ScheduleNew Schedule +
Neighborhood Policing Differential
First 1.5 years$42,500$43,456.25
After 1.5 years$45,000$46,012.50
After 2.5 years$46,000$47,035.00
After 3.5 years$47,000$48,057.50
After 4.5 years$51,000$52,147.50
After 5.5 years$85,292$87,211.07

Annuity Fund

  • For new hires only (hired on/after March 15, 2017), the City will make no contributions to the annuity fund during first 5 years of service. After 5 years of service, the City will resume making the regular annual contribution of $522.

Lawsuit Settlements

  • The PBA has agreed to withdraw lawsuits and related proceedings over the following issues:
    • MLC Health Savings Agreement 
    • Body-Worn Cameras 
    • Use of Naloxone 
  • Because all lawsuit withdrawals are pursuant to a negotiated agreement, they preserve our bargaining certificate and right to bargain over similar issues in the future.

Health Savings Agreement

  • The PBA will accept the terms of the Health Savings Agreement between the MLC and the City.
  • The benefit changes that have been applied to all City workers will apply to PBA members.
  • As part of the MLC agreement, the PBA Health & Welfare Funds will receive:
    • An additional one-time, lump sum contribution from the City of $100 per active and retired member
    • Four $25 increases in the base contribution rate, for a total rate increase of $100 per active and retired member, applied retroactively.

Tier 3 Accident Disability Agreement

  • The PBA and the city have jointly agreed to pursue legislation that will:
    • Restore the 3/4 accident disability benefit for Tier 3 members 
    • Restore the Tier 2-level presumptions for Tier 3 members 
    • Removes the social security offset for both accident disability AND ordinary disability retirement
  • Tier 3 members employee contributions will increase by 1%, for a total of 4%.
  • The new plan will apply to new hires, but is voluntary for current members.  Members who do not opt into the new plan will not be required to pay the increase employee contribution.


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Yeah belowmin, that is true I didn't count the 2.25% NCO thing. I'm assuming that all ranks w ill also get that benefit.


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Well it looks like now cops as of March 2017 will make more than an entry level sgt.


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Well considering there has to be tier 3 sgts by now, how does that effect them?


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Bottom line:

Top Pay Base cop = 87,211
Entry Level Sgt. = 86,352

What happens. I'm not taking a fu***ng pay cut for getting promoted lol

Go direct to 3rd step Sgt? 88,045?


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If u get the NCO money, I guess they will take it away from you once u get promoted to sgt



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We have to jump up to 3rd step


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We all get NCO money


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Will Tier 3 get 50/50 ITHP?


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They'll likely just adjust the first three steps (by as little as necessary) to avoid entry level sgts from being paid below what top pay cops get.

What this PBA deal exposes, is how poor the sgts deal was to begin with, namely the (not so) hidden zeros that they took from the city. If we essentially all got the same deal (1s, followed by 2.5 and then 3), then there's no reason that entry level sgts should be lower than a T.P. cop. The hidden zeros have caught up to the SBA deal.


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DEA, SBA, LBA all jumped the gun. We would've all got a better deal if we stuck together IMO


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Any top pay cop  on the verge of getting promoted to Det. should strongly consider wait until they get their shield first before taking the promotion to Sergeant . You will avoid all this non sense and go straight to top pay.

-- Edited by Caballo Loco on Thursday 2nd of February 2017 02:50:04 PM


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At the sba meeting they said the 3/1/17 raise we are getting puts sba base above pba top pay and that is all it has to be. They don't count night diff or longevity. As long as our base is higher then their top pay there is no reopener to sba contract. That was the city limit to raise the pay they said!!!


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The entry Sgt base pay (86,354) is lower than PO base pay (now 87,211). That's not counting longevity or night diff.


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They are not counting the 2.5 NCO as "base pay" but SHOULD cause it speciffically states it will be considered as salary for overtime and pension purposes


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How are they not considering NCO as base. It's for all PBA members right?


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Just spoke to the SBA office yes top pay cop is $87,211 and yes entry level Sgt is 86,354 as of 3/30/17. So POs will be making more then entry level Sgt (until 3/30/18 then it's 88,945). There is no reopening clause and Sgt will not be bumped up to a higher step until the lawyers look at the contract. Now Sgt's getting promoted after the PBA contract will automatically be bumped up to the 4th step which is 88,044. I hope this is wrong,just passing the info I find this F-up! Please call the office see what they are saying. Please tell me I'm wrong.

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