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Today I received a letter with a warning strike from DCAS that I wrote something other than answers on the answer sheet during protest session and if this happens again they will barr me from taking other exams..
Here is what happened..
I went to a protest session with my answer key...Upon checking the answer key and marking how many questions I had wrong on my answer key, they refused to return my answer key. The proctor was so retarded that she didn't like the fact that I put couple dots next to some answers. Did anyone else get a letter about this nonsense?
Here is the nonsense letter attached.. What do you think?
They made it incredibly clear, however stupid it is, that if there were ANY marks on that green sheet they were keeping it. There's really no other contact you'll have with DCAS until a LT test so I wouldn't worry about it. Just be careful with their BS rules in the future.
hahaha omg thats funny. Sounds to me like a scare tactic. With that being said, i wouldnt push their buttons and i wouldnt try to test the letter. Just go to the review session and dont make any extra markings on your answer key.
are you allowed to write the correct answer on your sheet when you are checking your answers?
NOTHING. So much as a stray ink mark and they'll take it.
Its incredible how backwards the whole exam was when it came to DCAS. In a world where everything has been streamlined by the internet, they dropped "extra" questions on us a month before the test, dropped THIRTY of them on us, in the same time frame, on test day when we received the booklets. Then comes word they are refusing to release the answer key online, or ANYWHERE for that matter. The only time we saw the answers to the exam where on a large piece of paper taped to the wall of the classroom at the protest.
are you allowed to write the correct answer on your sheet when you are checking your answers?
NOTHING. So much as a stray ink mark and they'll take it.
Its incredible how backwards the whole exam was when it came to DCAS. In a world where everything has been streamlined by the internet, they dropped "extra" questions on us a month before the test, dropped THIRTY of them on us, in the same time frame, on test day when we received the booklets. Then comes word they are refusing to release the answer key online, or ANYWHERE for that matter. The only time we saw the answers to the exam where on a large piece of paper taped to the wall of the classroom at the protest.
hahaha omg thats funny. Sounds to me like a scare tactic. With that being said, i wouldnt push their buttons and i wouldnt try to test the letter. Just go to the review session and dont make any extra markings on your answer key.
DCAS is a strange bunch, and they love being "in control"........I wouldn't test them. PD can't tell them what to do, so if they want to make a stink they can, don't give them a reason.