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brooklynbacon wrote:
LT4LIFE wrote:

How long till the trolling begins on what list number the job makes it to till it gets cut..

 Well the last Capts list took four years to promote 260. 

 They can extend a civil service list for two extra years if there are exigent circumstances. Covid help a lot of ppl last year


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I know of two ppl that scored low 60s and didnt open the book once and now are on this promotional list. How does this department justify just giving away this rank? Were not talking about first level supervision, we are talking about executives, possible future commanding officers Do we just lower our standards to meet a number? Granted, just bcuz u pass a test doesnt make u a good leader or competent. However, its does minimize the hard work that legit passers put in. The time we took away from our families, vacation days lost to study, $$$ spent on classes, bbqs, beach time etc. and to add salt in the wound, some of these ppl will now jump the list due to seniority and medals. In addition, they too will be competing for the limited spots available for captains. This department is failing in so many ways. Post the scores and stop hiding the truth. Its already bad enough that we have complete do nothings getting special assessment or how about a particular detective getting first grade today that has zero investigative work. At least these promotional exams were earned but now it seems like they just make up the rules as they go. Anyway, just my two cents.


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NewUser wrote:

I know of two ppl that scored low 60s and didnt open the book once and now are on this promotional list. How does this department justify just giving away this rank? Were not talking about first level supervision, we are talking about executives, possible future commanding officers Do we just lower our standards to meet a number? Granted, just bcuz u pass a test doesnt make u a good leader or competent. However, its does minimize the hard work that legit passers put in. The time we took away from our families, vacation days lost to study, $$$ spent on classes, bbqs, beach time etc. and to add salt in the wound, some of these ppl will now jump the list due to seniority and medals. In addition, they too will be competing for the limited spots available for captains. This department is failing in so many ways. Post the scores and stop hiding the truth. Its already bad enough that we have complete do nothings getting special assessment or how about a particular detective getting first grade today that has zero investigative work. At least these promotional exams were earned but now it seems like they just make up the rules as they go. Anyway, just my two cents.

 Yes but if you studied youll be at the top and have an almost guaranteed promotion 


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NewUser wrote:

I know of two ppl that scored low 60s and didnt open the book once and now are on this promotional list. How does this department justify just giving away this rank? Were not talking about first level supervision, we are talking about executives, possible future commanding officers Do we just lower our standards to meet a number? Granted, just bcuz u pass a test doesnt make u a good leader or competent. However, its does minimize the hard work that legit passers put in. The time we took away from our families, vacation days lost to study, $$$ spent on classes, bbqs, beach time etc. and to add salt in the wound, some of these ppl will now jump the list due to seniority and medals. In addition, they too will be competing for the limited spots available for captains. This department is failing in so many ways. Post the scores and stop hiding the truth. Its already bad enough that we have complete do nothings getting special assessment or how about a particular detective getting first grade today that has zero investigative work. At least these promotional exams were earned but now it seems like they just make up the rules as they go. Anyway, just my two cents.

 Sorry i find that impossible. Unless they had the luckiest test day in history this exam was not easy at all even for people studying there ass off so for you to say someone never opened the book once I find that hard to believe. Im sure many people claimed they didnt study/didnt want the rank But studied privately.  


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Jibberjab wrote:
NewUser wrote:

I know of two ppl that scored low 60s and didnt open the book once and now are on this promotional list. How does this department justify just giving away this rank? Were not talking about first level supervision, we are talking about executives, possible future commanding officers Do we just lower our standards to meet a number? Granted, just bcuz u pass a test doesnt make u a good leader or competent. However, its does minimize the hard work that legit passers put in. The time we took away from our families, vacation days lost to study, $$$ spent on classes, bbqs, beach time etc. and to add salt in the wound, some of these ppl will now jump the list due to seniority and medals. In addition, they too will be competing for the limited spots available for captains. This department is failing in so many ways. Post the scores and stop hiding the truth. Its already bad enough that we have complete do nothings getting special assessment or how about a particular detective getting first grade today that has zero investigative work. At least these promotional exams were earned but now it seems like they just make up the rules as they go. Anyway, just my two cents.

 Sorry i find that impossible. Unless they had the luckiest test day in history this exam was not easy at all even for people studying there ass off so for you to say someone never opened the book once I find that hard to believe. Im sure many people claimed they didnt study/didnt want the rank But studied privately.  

 Its funny how people are like that. They wont tell anyone theyre studying but study intensely behind close doors as if wanting peoples guards to be off. Knew people who were like that for the sgts exam 



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I dont think posting scores doesnt really matter since dcas will mail it to our homes and put them on the portal. What does matter at this point is not posting answers and questions to the exam because there are still 50 or so makeup exam scammers lurking out there who havent taken the exam. They could leap frog you and push you back even further down the list! If all 50 or so passed, thats roughly one year of promotions. The list of the original 479 is out but it will grow to 500ish when you add in the makeup exam scammers throughout the life of the list. All I know is that you dont want to poor guy or girl who gets cut on a list after a makeup exam scammer bumped you. Will the list get cut, probably but you never know. With covid extension/high attrition rates, they could have reach 300 names on the active Capt list so you just never know. There is also the reverse with the financial situation/recession fears of the City and entire fed govt. Although it would not a political popular move they could reduce the uniformed headcount across all ranks and if that were the case they would barely reach 150 on the list. Also a hiring freeze could have the same effect. My point is that you just dont know. The only ones who are safe at this point are the guys/girls at the top of the list.

9 heroes forever!


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It is sickening, we have people bitching about nonsense here because others made the list. Like the gentleman said, if you put in the work and you have that kind of memory, youd be placed comfortably on this list. Some people did very well on previous exams and found themselves failing that exam by 1 to 2 points and I know they studied. Just because you lucked out and picked up those random points and found yourself competing with those borderline scorers does not make you that much deserving the rank. I very much doubt it is the norm that someone scoring 65 would be placed above an original passing score of 71. It may happen, but very rarely.



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Nypdnypd3100 wrote:

There was no curve. They simply passed everyone who got a 60 and up. I never got any points back after the protest, my scored stayed exactly the same it was on screen after I took the test. I know numerous people who scored a 60 , and are at the very very bottom of the list.

 They did not simply pass people who got a 60. What happen was that people like me and the rest of the 9 heroes protested our asses off at the protest session. We fought tooth and nail for against poorly written question. Those of us at the protest session can attest! the exam writers should be ashamed at the exam questions they submitted to dcas. The test should not have been that hard. i know i successfully protested at least 7 questions and people were saying no way, calling me a buffoon. Looks like there were a total of 10 or more throwouts/double answers if the rumors about people scoring a 60 and passing are true. I knew the list was going to be 200+ but didnt think it would be over 400. 

9 heroes forever!



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When you eventually see your updated score on the dcas website, my hypothesis will be proven.



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Hearing the job established a list this big to guarantee it runs the full course. The job does not want to give annual exams. Lets see if the sgts and lts lists follow suit.



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HopeBoss wrote:
Jibberjab wrote:
NewUser wrote:

I know of two ppl that scored low 60s and didnt open the book once and now are on this promotional list. How does this department justify just giving away this rank? Were not talking about first level supervision, we are talking about executives, possible future commanding officers Do we just lower our standards to meet a number? Granted, just bcuz u pass a test doesnt make u a good leader or competent. However, its does minimize the hard work that legit passers put in. The time we took away from our families, vacation days lost to study, $$$ spent on classes, bbqs, beach time etc. and to add salt in the wound, some of these ppl will now jump the list due to seniority and medals. In addition, they too will be competing for the limited spots available for captains. This department is failing in so many ways. Post the scores and stop hiding the truth. Its already bad enough that we have complete do nothings getting special assessment or how about a particular detective getting first grade today that has zero investigative work. At least these promotional exams were earned but now it seems like they just make up the rules as they go. Anyway, just my two cents.

 Sorry i find that impossible. Unless they had the luckiest test day in history this exam was not easy at all even for people studying there ass off so for you to say someone never opened the book once I find that hard to believe. Im sure many people claimed they didnt study/didnt want the rank But studied privately.  

 Its funny how people are like that. They wont tell anyone theyre studying but study intensely behind close doors as if wanting peoples guards to be off. Knew people who were like that for the sgts exam 

 People dont want to tell others they studied 8 hours a day and then end up with a 60. Its easier to save face and just tell others you never opened the book once. Its also why a 69 is the most common score in the history of department exams. 


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I also believe you guys underestimate the original passers. Remember I posted that we possibly had an average of 3 passers per command and we thought that was absurd. Yes, the test was hard, but people studied their butt off and passed.



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Zeph wrote:

I also believe you guys underestimate the original passers. Remember I posted that we possibly had an average of 3 passers per command and we thought that was absurd. Yes, the test was hard, but people studied their butt off and passed.

 List was originally low 200. After the first adjustment it pushed it to 280s. Now after this giant curve/whatever its almost 500. 



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Theforceisstrongwiththisone wrote:

I dont think posting scores doesnt really matter since dcas will mail it to our homes and put them on the portal. What does matter at this point is not posting answers and questions to the exam because there are still 50 or so makeup exam scammers lurking out there who havent taken the exam. They could leap frog you and push you back even further down the list! If all 50 or so passed, thats roughly one year of promotions. The list of the original 479 is out but it will grow to 500ish when you add in the makeup exam scammers throughout the life of the list. All I know is that you dont want to poor guy or girl who gets cut on a list after a makeup exam scammer bumped you. Will the list get cut, probably but you never know. With covid extension/high attrition rates, they could have reach 300 names on the active Capt list so you just never know. There is also the reverse with the financial situation/recession fears of the City and entire fed govt. Although it would not a political popular move they could reduce the uniformed headcount across all ranks and if that were the case they would barely reach 150 on the list. Also a hiring freeze could have the same effect. My point is that you just dont know. The only ones who are safe at this point are the guys/girls at the top of the list.

9 heroes forever!

 Agree with not posting questions. Make up people need to earn the rank and study no more free passes to a select few


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I dont care what people say, the job is not promoting 479 Lts to Cpt the next 4 years. Whats the highest list number you guys think theyll reach?


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Zeph wrote:

I dont care what people say, the job is not promoting 479 Lts to Cpt the next 4 years. Whats the highest list number you guys think theyll reach?

 That's what we said in 2017 with all the lists lol, but I agree. Unless there is another pandemic or defund the police movement resulting in mass retirements, this list will probably not be exhausted. I would say 275-300 you are definitely good, after that who knows. 


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Theforceisstrongwiththisone wrote:
Nypdnypd3100 wrote:

There was no curve. They simply passed everyone who got a 60 and up. I never got any points back after the protest, my scored stayed exactly the same it was on screen after I took the test. I know numerous people who scored a 60 , and are at the very very bottom of the list.

 They did not simply pass people who got a 60. What happen was that people like me and the rest of the 9 heroes protested our asses off at the protest session. We fought tooth and nail for against poorly written question. Those of us at the protest session can attest! the exam writers should be ashamed at the exam questions they submitted to dcas. The test should not have been that hard. i know i successfully protested at least 7 questions and people were saying no way, calling me a buffoon. Looks like there were a total of 10 or more throwouts/double answers if the rumors about people scoring a 60 and passing are true. I knew the list was going to be 200+ but didnt think it would be over 400. 

9 heroes forever!

 Yes they did pass people who got a 60.  I know two people, one who got a 60, and one who got a 61.  They did not pick up ANY points.  It still says 60 and 61 on their DCAS dashboard.  While I know other people whose scores went up On the dashboard.  I know you fought tooth and nail at the protest.  But the job passed people with 60 and up.  I think its irrelevant anyways.  They can pass everyone who took the test for all I care.  They will go slowly down the lost, whomever gets promoted gets promoted. But please dont try to pretend like someone picked up 10 points off this tests protest, and some people picked up zero points.  Thats not statistically possible. 


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Nypdnypd3100 wrote:
Theforceisstrongwiththisone wrote:
Nypdnypd3100 wrote:

There was no curve. They simply passed everyone who got a 60 and up. I never got any points back after the protest, my scored stayed exactly the same it was on screen after I took the test. I know numerous people who scored a 60 , and are at the very very bottom of the list.

 They did not simply pass people who got a 60. What happen was that people like me and the rest of the 9 heroes protested our asses off at the protest session. We fought tooth and nail for against poorly written question. Those of us at the protest session can attest! the exam writers should be ashamed at the exam questions they submitted to dcas. The test should not have been that hard. i know i successfully protested at least 7 questions and people were saying no way, calling me a buffoon. Looks like there were a total of 10 or more throwouts/double answers if the rumors about people scoring a 60 and passing are true. I knew the list was going to be 200+ but didnt think it would be over 400. 

9 heroes forever!

 Yes they did pass people who got a 60.  I know two people, one who got a 60, and one who got a 61.  They did not pick up ANY points.  It still says 60 and 61 on their DCAS dashboard.  While I know other people whose scores went up On the dashboard.  I know you fought tooth and nail at the protest.  But the job passed people with 60 and up.  I think its irrelevant anyways.  They can pass everyone who took the test for all I care.  They will go slowly down the lost, whomever gets promoted gets promoted. But please dont try to pretend like someone picked up 10 points off this tests protest, and some people picked up zero points.  Thats not statistically possible. 

 Unless they threw out specific questions and some people already got right and the others didnt.. thats the only way


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Honestly I initially thought a 500 person captains list would never promote everyone. But after seeing the massive sgt and LT list making i through after thinking it would never happen, I have faith they will promote the entire captain list. There was not 7-10 throwouts. So it had to be a curve and if it was and they purposely passed that many people I dont see why they would do that if they didnt plan on promoting everyone



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Exam was curved. 100% confirmed! This is to avert lawsuits. Hence, this is why they didnt publish scores. Everyone on that list will have a passing score of a minimum of a 70. Job already started clearing names for promotions in January. Again, never doubt my Intel. Congrats to all that passed the hardest exam in NYPD history. You should all be proud of yourselves. Happy Holidays! The Doctor has spoken !


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Those of you who believe there were 7-10 throw outs need to get your head examined.
This list is 100% curved. I know people who scored 61-63 and made the list


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You guys have not been paying attention.

do you know how many video clips of various years

beginning with President Obama, Biden, Fauci, and funder Bill Gates

all alluding to a SECOND PANDEMIC theres a million clips out there from 2017-2022. 

Trump will face a pandemic

we must prepare for the 2nd pandemic. 

im not even going to get deeper cuz this isnt the place.

prepare for the 2nd pandemic. Its happening when Trump goes for Round 3. 

PAY ATTENTION to that not stupid scores when the list # is all that matters. 

dudes get a 90 and care about the guy getting a 70 who will get promoted when hes already at top pay.

the haters are so deep in this job. The real problem isnt the 65s who passed. 

its the guy who got a 91 in their do nothing office capable of studying all day at work and at home.

Fuq you losers who do nothing, score high, and Have the balls to compare your scam to others actually working and studying.

the real cops. 



Losers always whine about their Best.

Winners go home and fuk the Prom Queen. 

- Sean Connery


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Lmaooooooooooooooooooo. My man over here with the tinfoil hat smh. Easy pal! Exam was curved. People studied and passed. Some are mad that people that failed are even on this list smh

-- Edited by DRPapi1983 on Friday 23rd of December 2022 05:46:33 PM


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Just wait until the mail in tests get counted


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SupvHomeOwner wrote:

You guys have not been paying attention.

do you know how many video clips of various years

beginning with President Obama, Biden, Fauci, and funder Bill Gates

all alluding to a SECOND PANDEMIC theres a million clips out there from 2017-2022. 

Trump will face a pandemic

we must prepare for the 2nd pandemic. 

im not even going to get deeper cuz this isnt the place.

prepare for the 2nd pandemic. Its happening when Trump goes for Round 3. 

PAY ATTENTION to that not stupid scores when the list # is all that matters. 

dudes get a 90 and care about the guy getting a 70 who will get promoted when hes already at top pay.

the haters are so deep in this job. The real problem isnt the 65s who passed. 

its the guy who got a 91 in their do nothing office capable of studying all day at work and at home.

Fuq you losers who do nothing, score high, and Have the balls to compare your scam to others actually working and studying.

the real cops. 


I agree with you 100% but after 19 years of proactive policing I realized that the real cop is a big scam. The real cop is not getting opportunity for transfers, the real cop is not getting special assignment or grade. The real cop remains the worker with no opportunities. If I can have it back Ill be the biggest do nothing on this job! 



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Chew11 wrote:

Just wait until the mail in tests get counted



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ullage amount wrote:

Those of you who believe there were 7-10 throw outs need to get your head examined.
This list is 100% curved. I know people who scored 61-63 and made the list

 Dont entertain these clowns brother. Exam was curved 1000000%. They want put in a huge class in Jan. we shall see. Again, congrats to all that are on the list. 


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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DT-Tres wrote:
SupvHomeOwner wrote:

You guys have not been paying attention.

do you know how many video clips of various years

beginning with President Obama, Biden, Fauci, and funder Bill Gates

all alluding to a SECOND PANDEMIC theres a million clips out there from 2017-2022. 

Trump will face a pandemic

we must prepare for the 2nd pandemic. 

im not even going to get deeper cuz this isnt the place.

prepare for the 2nd pandemic. Its happening when Trump goes for Round 3. 

PAY ATTENTION to that not stupid scores when the list # is all that matters. 

dudes get a 90 and care about the guy getting a 70 who will get promoted when hes already at top pay.

the haters are so deep in this job. The real problem isnt the 65s who passed. 

its the guy who got a 91 in their do nothing office capable of studying all day at work and at home.

Fuq you losers who do nothing, score high, and Have the balls to compare your scam to others actually working and studying.

the real cops. 


I agree with you 100% but after 19 years of proactive policing I realized that the real cop is a big scam. The real cop is not getting opportunity for transfers, the real cop is not getting special assignment or grade. The real cop remains the worker with no opportunities. If I can have it back Ill be the biggest do nothing on this job! 

well said 


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i get you. But im saying, the ones Bitching about the bottom of the list are the ones at the top of the list Who had s greater opportunity to study in their do nothing positions. Your Jaded side is talking. If you could do it again, you would. Your a worker. Workers are jaded. Do nothings bitch about the 70 guy getting by when he should just worry about his own destiny. thats Why i referred to workers vs people with cushions under their ass from sitting so much at work. Like # 14 on the list. Labor relations. Or # 1 from IAB. The Real Workers balancing crime and studying are not the bulk on the upper part of the list. It never is. thats why i made that reference.  #6 had like 4,000 medals from all of his gun collars he grabs and assigns. This dude deserves the top score. But u cant teach Humble. 


Losers always whine about their Best.

Winners go home and fuk the Prom Queen. 

- Sean Connery

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A tin foil hat is when you expect something that has never happened.

like wearing a tin foil hat because aliens are coming. 

its not a tinfoil hat when i made a FACTUAL - Provable comment that the leaders of our country DID - Numerous Times - allude to a 2nd Pandemic that is coming. And since youre Dumb & dont pay attention, i am now giving my OPINION that it will happen (as THEY SAID it will) during 2024. Conveniently during elections. This HAS happened Already. So once again you dont know the difference between OPINIONS vs Facts.

you Bozo -

follow these nuts guidelines. 


Losers always whine about their Best.

Winners go home and fuk the Prom Queen. 

- Sean Connery

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Pentagon confirmed aliens in 2021.



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#StoptheSteal on Captain exam#2558

I love a good controversy


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Dr papi can play the role of Rudy Giuliani


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A couple guys in this forum might show up and storm the palace and start an insurrection wearing viking horns. Doctor papi will have himself photographed sitting at the PCs desk pouring over the intel.


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Prove it



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Chew11 wrote:

A couple guys in this forum might show up and storm the palace and start an insurrection wearing viking horns. Doctor papi will have himself photographed sitting at the PCs desk pouring over the intel.



The end is near,..good luck to all!,...


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SupvHomeOwner wrote:


A tin foil hat is when you expect something that has never happened.

like wearing a tin foil hat because aliens are coming. 

its not a tinfoil hat when i made a FACTUAL - Provable comment that the leaders of our country DID - Numerous Times - allude to a 2nd Pandemic that is coming. And since youre Dumb & dont pay attention, i am now giving my OPINION that it will happen (as THEY SAID it will) during 2024. Conveniently during elections. This HAS happened Already. So once again you dont know the difference between OPINIONS vs Facts.

you Bozo -

follow these nuts guidelines. 

 Central , show me responding to this EDP with a slight delay,


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...


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Chew11 wrote:

Pentagon confirmed aliens in 2021.

 Lol love it. 


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Chew11 wrote:

Dr papi can play the role of Rudy Giuliani

 I actually like that role ,lol..


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Ill try NOT to entertain these millennials that are STILL living in their mothers basements , playing PS5 and sleeping in Pokémon sheets. Its kinda disturbing actually ,.SMH

-- Edited by DRPapi1983 on Friday 23rd of December 2022 07:46:19 PM


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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Whats wrong with playing video games ?


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WhiteCastleCop wrote:

Whats wrong with playing video games ?



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DRPapi1983 wrote:
Ill try NOT to entertain these millennials that are STILL living in their mothers basements , playing PS5 and sleeping in Pokémon sheets. Its kinda disturbing actually ,.SMH
-- Edited by DRPapi1983 on Friday 23rd of December 2022 07:46:19 PM
 You do know the oldest millennial is 41 years old. SMH


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The test was 100% curved!!!! Hence the reason for lack of scores posted!!!! Not taking away from the work put into protest but those points were already adjusted and posted on your dcas profile. Anyone with time on can attest, there has never been a list established without scores. The scores should/must be posted, how else would we know/verify if our seniority points or medals etc were redeemed? Again, I know a few on the bottom of that list that scored in the low 60s and like magic received a passing score. And to clarify, I am on patrol, scored mid/low 70s. i also took and failed the 2015 LT test, (studied for 8 months) which in my opinion was the hardest test ever administered. and guess what, they didnt curve that test nor should they have. Point is, I dusted myself off and studied again for 2017 and passed. Thats the way it should be.  U pass, u get promoted, u fail, u take the next one and try again Those that failed should not be promoted period!!! 


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NewUser wrote:
The test was 100% curved!!!! Hence the reason for lack of scores posted!!!! Not taking away from the work put into protest but those points were already adjusted and posted on your dcas profile. Anyone with time on can attest, there has never been a list established without scores. The scores should/must be posted, how else would we know/verify if our seniority points or medals etc were redeemed? Again, I know a few on the bottom of that list that scored in the low 60s and like magic received a passing score. And to clarify, I am on patrol, scored mid/low 70s. i also took and failed the 2015 LT test, (studied for 8 months) which in my opinion was the hardest test ever administered. and guess what, they didnt curve that test nor should they have. Point is, I dusted myself off and studied again for 2017 and passed. Thats the way it should be. U pass, u get promoted, u fail, u take the next one and try again Those that failed should not be promoted period!!! 
 You could always not take the promotion to protest the curve. Take a stand if you feel that strongly about it



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FranknBeans wrote:
DRPapi1983 wrote:
Ill try NOT to entertain these millennials that are STILL living in their mothers basements , playing PS5 and sleeping in Pokémon sheets. Its kinda disturbing actually ,.SMH
-- Edited by DRPapi1983 on Friday 23rd of December 2022 07:46:19 PM
 You do know the oldest millennial is 41 years old. SMH

 SMH thats what I mean you clown


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...

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NewUser wrote:

The test was 100% curved!!!! Hence the reason for lack of scores posted!!!! Not taking away from the work put into protest but those points were already adjusted and posted on your dcas profile. Anyone with time on can attest, there has never been a list established without scores. The scores should/must be posted, how else would we know/verify if our seniority points or medals etc were redeemed? Again, I know a few on the bottom of that list that scored in the low 60s and like magic received a passing score. And to clarify, I am on patrol, scored mid/low 70s. i also took and failed the 2015 LT test, (studied for 8 months) which in my opinion was the hardest test ever administered. and guess what, they didnt curve that test nor should they have. Point is, I dusted myself off and studied again for 2017 and passed. Thats the way it should be.  U pass, u get promoted, u fail, u take the next one and try again Those that failed should not be promoted period!!! 

 Agree. Right now the job is saying trust me bro this is the order. There could easily be seniority/jst/medal errors. 

dont forget dcas let Yanosik take the exam in the middle of august wearing a hoodie and fake mustache. Mistakes happen. POST THE SCORES YOU COWARDS


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WhiteCastleCop wrote:

Whats wrong with playing video games ?



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All honestly why does anyone care about the scores? U made the list thats it. They better do the same for the Sgt exam bc with that whole day 1 day 2 crap we deserve it, So well wait and see. Someone on this forum saying January 5th list will come out lets see.



Status: Offline
Posts: 11

Everyone can expect to drop lower on list when the military training stops during the cold weather and they finally take the test. A few took it today (easy way to get a long weekend for Christmas).

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