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Post Info TOPIC: Pros and Cons of Lt rank?

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Pros and Cons of Lt rank?

Top pay sgt to rookie Lt


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If you got to ask then it aint for you.


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Yeah im not staying past 20 so it might not be worth it


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You get paid more to do less with steady RDO. Hardest part of that rank is keeping that white shirt clean. Its a different story if you been inside these past few years then definitely ride it out in comfort.


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There are no cons to it.


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The only con is that its a pain in the butt to keep the white shirt and vest carrier clean.



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TransitCop wrote:

You get paid more to do less with steady RDO. Hardest part of that rank is keeping that white shirt clean. Its a different story if you been inside these past few years then definitely ride it out in comfort.

 Youre actually not getting paid that much more for the first few years. Remember, no chart days for basically 6 years Which means youre making more appearance, essentially getting paid for showing up more.  Sgt working 5-2 gets 28 chart days.  Lt working 5-2 gets zero.  If you like your time off this is probably the worst part of the rank because youre going to find yourself staying for time a lot.  Build up as much time as you can


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Yeah thanks for the feedback



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3yrWonder wrote:
TransitCop wrote:

You get paid more to do less with steady RDO. Hardest part of that rank is keeping that white shirt clean. Its a different story if you been inside these past few years then definitely ride it out in comfort.

 Youre actually not getting paid that much more for the first few years. Remember, no chart days for basically 6 years Which means youre making more appearance, essentially getting paid for showing up more.  Sgt working 5-2 gets 28 chart days.  Lt working 5-2 gets zero.  If you like your time off this is probably the worst part of the rank because youre going to find yourself staying for time a lot.  Build up as much time as you can

 Not only those things, but you work 8:45 with no chart days. Meaning you work 45 minutes every day for free. So its not even really a raise. 


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fodx wrote:
3yrWonder wrote:
TransitCop wrote:

You get paid more to do less with steady RDO. Hardest part of that rank is keeping that white shirt clean. Its a different story if you been inside these past few years then definitely ride it out in comfort.

 Youre actually not getting paid that much more for the first few years. Remember, no chart days for basically 6 years Which means youre making more appearance, essentially getting paid for showing up more.  Sgt working 5-2 gets 28 chart days.  Lt working 5-2 gets zero.  If you like your time off this is probably the worst part of the rank because youre going to find yourself staying for time a lot.  Build up as much time as you can

 Not only those things, but you work 8:45 with no chart days. Meaning you work 45 minutes every day for free. So its not even really a raise. 

 I never understood how/why the LBA looked at that and said "yeah... this is a wonderful idea!"



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Bc to pay for the raises pba gotyou have to find the money in givebacks. Pba could say sure make starting pay lower for new hires. Its not so easy doing that to a sgt otj currently wanting to possible become a lieutenant. So they gave up things that seemed like nothing was really being given back in order to pay for the raises. Another rational was lt got a lot of time overtime. So made up for the chart days. Thats kind of stopped so that rational isnt there anymore. Some will argue that chart days do not pay the mortgage. Very true however those chart days have a dollar value and they were given up to afford raises in a nut shell without diminishing more important perks


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I always get amazed how give backs are a normal part of raise negotiations, when it comes to this department and the city. The whole idea of raises, is to keep up with cost of living increases. There is no such thing as give backs in the private sector. And unions usually get updated contract within DAYS of the last one expiring. It's a total shame that police unions and other city employed union allow this to continue and normalizing it.


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collarsfordollars wrote:

I always get amazed how give backs are a normal part of raise negotiations, when it comes to this department and the city. The whole idea of raises, is to keep up with cost of living increases. There is no such thing as give backs in the private sector. And unions usually get updated contract within DAYS of the last one expiring. It's a total shame that police unions and other city employed union allow this to continue and normalizing it.

I am by no means an apologist for this dept or city, but pensions are virtually all but phased out in the private sector. And workers probably didn't even get any kickbacks for it, at least not the extent that we do. The City is a business just like any private sector company, and they are rabid with the thought of getting rid of the pensions. When they sit down and negotiate with us, they don't see the bullshit we deal with everyday, they only see spoiled "City workers" with great benefits, pensions and relatively high civil service salaries. They are more interested in bringing us down to the level of other city workers, like some random DCAS clerk, rather than seeing our job for what it is. Its shitty we have to give chart days for more salary, but we are probably one of the few agencies that can still negotiate like that instead of just taking whatever the city throws at us.

On another note, and this is more for current Lt's, but does the bullshit slow down? I had a pretty anal CO when I got promoted to Sgt and most days it just felt like playing a game of antagonize the Sgt with texts and pile more shit on his plate, even when a Lt was in. Is Lt rank better in this regard? Do CO's tend to leave you alone more? 


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You get one less jackass on your case as a LT. Instead of two supervisors micro managing its just one


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maybe its just me but I never had a problem with a LT that I couldn't smooth over instantly. Captains and up are another breed though.


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collarsfordollars wrote:

I always get amazed how give backs are a normal part of raise negotiations, when it comes to this department and the city. The whole idea of raises, is to keep up with cost of living increases. There is no such thing as give backs in the private sector. And unions usually get updated contract within DAYS of the last one expiring. It's a total shame that police unions and other city employed union allow this to continue and normalizing it.

 This 100%. Total joke.

-- Edited by Noice on Friday 16th of December 2022 12:55:19 PM

-- Edited by Noice on Friday 16th of December 2022 12:56:04 PM


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The extended appearances with no chart days are the only real "drawback" and I use the term "drawback" loosely. Yes you're at work more often but work is also 1000 times less stressful when you're there as opposed to running around as a Sgt or PO. With a good platoon of Sgts, your work really will do itself. So yes to answer a question above, the "bullshit" absolutely slows down. If your CO is half normal then you'll just be left alone and even when they're insane, you can still delegate most of the useless busy work they drop on you to a SGT. When I made LT and went back on patrol, I just came and went as I pleased from the command pretty much everyday. I can't recall a single day where I got a call asking where I was or what I was doing and/or why I was doing x y or z.



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You work for a normal CO @Soccerpsycho. My CO is a complete EDP and a douche-bag. He'll call to ask where I am, even on my days off haha.

But I agree with you, the only drawback is the "NO" chart days until 7 years crap.


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PD2FD wrote:

You work for a normal CO @Soccerpsycho. My CO is a complete EDP and a douche-bag. He'll call to ask where I am, even on my days off haha.

But I agree with you, the only drawback is the "NO" chart days until 7 years crap.

 You have noone to blame but yourself for picking up the phone 



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soccerpsyco32 wrote:

The extended appearances with no chart days are the only real "drawback" and I use the term "drawback" loosely. Yes you're at work more often but work is also 1000 times less stressful when you're there as opposed to running around as a Sgt or PO. With a good platoon of Sgts, your work really will do itself. So yes to answer a question above, the "bullshit" absolutely slows down. If your CO is half normal then you'll just be left alone and even when they're insane, you can still delegate most of the useless busy work they drop on you to a SGT. When I made LT and went back on patrol, I just came and went as I pleased from the command pretty much everyday. I can't recall a single day where I got a call asking where I was or what I was doing and/or why I was doing x y or z.

 Sounds like you work at the 111 LOL!


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...


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Lieutenant rank is great. Enjoy that rank.


The end is near,..good luck to all!,...


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Happy Al wrote:
PD2FD wrote:
You work for a normal CO @Soccerpsycho. My CO is a complete EDP and a douche-bag. He'll call to ask where I am, even on my days off haha.
But I agree with you, the only drawback is the "NO" chart days until 7 years crap.
 You have noone to blame but yourself for picking up the phone 
If you're the SOL, admin Lt, or ICO and you get called on your days off, you should pick up.
You can't play the games cops/sgts play.


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PD2FD wrote:
Happy Al wrote:
PD2FD wrote:
You work for a normal CO @Soccerpsycho. My CO is a complete EDP and a douche-bag. He'll call to ask where I am, even on my days off haha.
But I agree with you, the only drawback is the "NO" chart days until 7 years crap.
 You have noone to blame but yourself for picking up the phone 
If you're the SOL, admin Lt, or ICO and you get called on your days off, you should pick up.
You can't play the games cops/sgts play.

 Ok guy. Keep drinking the Kool aid. Then you should also put in for 15 min of OT for every call/ text answered. Let me say this, if your relationship with CO is good then by all means, but if the guy is a dick like stated above, then fuck him. Your tour ends when you scan out

-- Edited by Happy Al on Thursday 29th of December 2022 12:45:05 AM

-- Edited by Happy Al on Thursday 29th of December 2022 12:47:16 AM



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Pros are you make a lot more money (especially overtime) eventually and it's just like being a sergeant except your sergeants do most of your work.

The only real con is laundry. Whoever thought using a white shirt for any law enforcement position was pretty dense. As a sergeant you can spill a whole coffee on your shirt and nobody knows, but once you're a lieutenant if a little spray gets on you from opening a can of soda you have to buy a new shirt.



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