RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
Get over 1,300 of our questions, designed to increase retention of the Patrol Guide! Find out why top-scorers for the past 16 years are Rising Star students!
Thanks. Where do we download the app, or do we have to go through the website? Also it says questions will be available throughout the course? What does that mean? You dont get all questions at once?
-- Edited by Happy Al on Thursday 4th of August 2022 02:51:23 PM
Questions will be available Aug. 28 via our LMS. You will get your log in credentials a few days prior. Questions will be released on a weekly basis (not all at once) and updated up to the cut off. A schedule will be released soon.
If they're sent weekly on your LMS are they always accessible up till the exam? Are you releasing questions based on specific pg sections I.E. week 1 - 202?
If they're sent weekly on your LMS are they always accessible up till the exam? Are you releasing questions based on specific pg sections I.E. week 1 - 202?
Questions are released weekly and are available up until exam date. You can access them anytime and review the questions and how you answered anytime you want.