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as of last week no bmoc....heres the reason why you know 2 weeks in advance for bmoc....they need to schedule the speakers. So they need time to get all the speakers scheduled so they can talk to you guys. As for april....its nonsense to even start asking. BMOC does not find out more than 2 weeks in advance. Uniform promotions will be able to tell you before bmoc knows fyi if you got the right connect. good luck guys
Who you want them to get info from? The ghost in the police academy? The lady who would post great Intel said she was being moved and no longer had access to important Intel....sucks but it is what it is...waiting game continues
As of last week that was true....now as stated..bmoc reserves the room but doesn't mean def class. Where's list has been on pt so I'd go w him. I'll ask though
They had four or five months straight of sizable classes. That three the ratio off to the point the job had too many sergeants. I was hoping that the LT finally being established and promoted from, coupled with an academy class graduating end Match/ early April and the hiring of new recruits would open it up for us a bit. Apparently not. I'm getting pretty sick of trying to plan my life thinking "OK BMOC next month" for a whole quarter of the year...
The promotions have nothing to do with DCAS. The job promotes from the list according to its needs.
First off..how would any of you know that a class is not going in by the end of this month at this point?? I was actually told by an instructor from the Bmoc classes that they would expect a class to go in the day after Easter. This was at the phase 1 training I was told this. Point being, the instructors have more insight than we do.
I'm calling bs on this negative crap. We all know how this job is. I got the "phone call" the day before I was sworn in and at that point I gave up hope. Where are u getting this info from Ltexam?
Wheresthelist has been on point with his info for months. I don't want to believe it either and hope his contact is wrong, but until proven otherwise, he's been very accurate.
Apparently you have to have several credible posts in order to be considered Intel in this place. The academy has been prepping for an April class with a 4/4 original start date that's possibly being switched to the 28th.
"What makes you think they'll promote the wrong man?"