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Here's to it 


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Can we please combine the lists for a November BMOC?!? I need to get promoted and take a step in the right direction. Tired of the streets and having to put my hands on ppl. This regime is disconnected!!!! Answer the radio and nothing more shm 😔 Morale was low but now it's non-existent


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My guess is Nov will be a big class with people from the 11 and 13 list. This year will be the lowest amount of sgt s promoted. Combine that with the fact that they had to cancel tgis October class and hundreds of new recruits coming in this month, we might see a 75+ in November. Maybe another 100 followed by a down December.



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I know you guys are hoping but the terminal numbers dont support a dec clss right now. But i would expect a nov class of around 50.



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Wheresthelist wrote:

I know you guys are hoping but the terminal numbers dont support a dec clss right now. But i would expect a nov class of around 50.

 I would assume the 30 that were suppose to go in October would go in November. Add an additional 30 or so from the 2013 list and we have a class of about 60 or so. That would put us at 350 people promoted for the year, far less than the average of 400+ per year.


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I was in the last BMOC and they told us that they would not combine lists.  The next class will finish up the 2011 list and the following class will begin the 2013 list. 


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The last class off the 2008 and the first class off the 2009 were combined. It has been done before, whoever told you that was misinformed.


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The information regarding the classes not being combined was correct as per uniform promotion. Whether or not they'll stick to it after the down month is a different story.


"What makes you think they'll promote the wrong man?" 

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They stopped combining. Won't happen again. Something with lawsuits.



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Guys I think they just combined the last captains class. 7 front old list and 10 from new. Check the captains thread and you'll see.


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Different promotion dates.


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Yes the 8 captains from the old list were promoted on September 30th. The guys/gals from the new list will be promoted in October.


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infinity wrote:

They stopped combining. Won't happen again. Something with lawsuits.

 Completely untrue lol. They combine lists still when they appoint people to the rank of Police Officer, seniority is determined by whoever has the older exam number. That still happens. There's nothing that prohibits the same for appointments to other ranks. SGTs from the 2011 list would be senior in a combined class due to their older exam number.


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I really believe we are going to see another really big class in November with both list combined.


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I understand that.  When it comes to promotions it has stopped   


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I think I'll be more happy when the 2011 list is over than I will be when I actually get promoted off the 2013 list.


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Prolly not going to hear anything for atleast another two weeks


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Any word on November? Not even a rumor? Will they combine lists?


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I called Uniform Promotions, they said lists will not be combined. The only time a list was combined was the result of a lawsuit. I was told the next bmoc, whenever that is, will be the last of 2011 then they will official start the 2013 list. Sorry guys, I'm in the same boat as you. Never know though! I don't believe anything I hear on this job until I personally see it for myself

-- Edited by Oooh-yeah on Monday 12th of October 2015 12:03:55 AM


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Whoever keeps telling you the lists were combined due to a lawsuit is full of horsesh**. Go to the 2008 SGT archives and look up the November 2010 class. The end of the 2008 list was combined with the beginning of the 2009 because they couldn't fit the last 15 or so from the 2008 test into the October class. Did they have a class of 15 in November to "finish off" the 08' test? Nope. They combined the fcking lists because the job needed a class of 70. The job can combine lists if they need or want to, it's not black magic. They'll do whatever 1PP tells them to do, if 1PP says "just finish the 11 list" that's what they'll do. If 1PP says "hey we need 65 bodies" then guess what? They'll combine the damn lists!! 

-- Edited by soccerpsyco32 on Monday 12th of October 2015 01:12:44 AM


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I'm not arguing with you just relaying what I was told on the phone.


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soccerpsyco32 wrote:

Whoever keeps telling you the lists were combined due to a lawsuit is full of horsesh**. Go to the 2008 SGT archives and look up the November 2010 class. The end of the 2008 list was combined with the beginning of the 2009 because they couldn't fit the last 15 or so from the 2008 test into the October class. Did they have a class of 15 in November to "finish off" the 08' test? Nope. They combined the fcking lists because the job needed a class of 70. The job can combine lists if they need or want to, it's not black magic. They'll do whatever 1PP tells them to do, if 1PP says "just finish the 11 list" that's what they'll do. If 1PP says "hey we need 65 bodies" then guess what? They'll combine the damn lists!! 

-- Edited by soccerpsyco32 on Monday 12th of October 2015 01:12:44 AM

 Exactly,  everyone on here predicts based on the jobs history, thats all anyone can go on.  The fact is, the job will do whatever it wants.  The best attitude to have is a wait and see attitude.   You cant go off of history all the time.  Case in point; 2011 Lt exam was a disaster.   The whole time studying for the 2015 Lt exam "everyone in the know" kept telling us the exam would be fair and straight forward...  until test day, we were all blind sided.  With this job nothing is official until it happens. ... just have to hurry up and wait.


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Well my uncles best friend who he served in Korea with and helped him find his first tortoise said both list will be combined. Def a reliable source so your welcome


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I have a feeling November will once again be a down month. It makes no sense as they need SGt's right now with the unexpected cancellation of Oct and a new recruit class going in this month. However, by now there would have been some word. Not official, but definitely someone would have heard something. I guess this list will finish in 2019 and the 13 list can begin in 2020 hopefully.



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Theres a class in nov. it starts on nov 2nd. Last i was told was the promotion ceremony is set for nov 24 i believe this is due to thanksgiving.


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What about LT's 



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You can believe what you want, 2 lists will not be promoted the same day. When the last time it happened? Don't know don't care. When's the last time it could have happened and they didn't do it. A week ago with the captains. Things change get used to it. This is the process the job is using right now.



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25 lts gettn made on the 30th


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Wheresthelist wrote:

25 lts gettn made on the 30th

 **** that might not be good for me... Lol




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Thats the info i got this afternoon


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Any word on how many cops going in on the 2nd?



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The rest of the 2011 list and anyone who has been made upfront or will be made upfront on the 30th


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Wheresthelist....any idea how big a class ?


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Just saw that post.


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Thanks for the info bro.



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Thanks for confirming what Uniform Promotions told me. The next class will unfortunately be the last of the 2011 without the 2013 people smh keeping my fingers crossed that somehow they will still combine. Again, thanks for the info



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Being told 35 sgts into BMOC on the 2nd



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That will be 315 Sgts promoted year-to-date....has it ever been that low ?


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So there's 23 left on the list and 35 going in in November. 12 passovers? Definitely not combining lists? 


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Can anyone else confirm this?



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Its passovers. They are not combining lists


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There were 6 or 7 passovers promoted upfront on 9/28 who are waiting to attend BMOC. They're temp assigned to their respective boroughs currently. So 23 + 7 promoted on 9/28 is 30 and probably 5 more who scraped by and were able to be cleared by CARB for a total of 35. Wow this was definitely a terrible year for SGT promotions. 315 is one of the lowest totals since the 2009 recession I think. That may go up depending on how many bodies they put in for December but something tells me December will be small too, probably not more than 40.

-- Edited by soccerpsyco32 on Thursday 15th of October 2015 11:05:39 PM



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I would say the reason the sgts promotions slowed down is because the Lt's list is almost done. If that list still had a few hundred active names more sgts would have been made


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Don't they usually put in a large class when beginning a list (75+) ? I know for the 2011 they did or does it not matter?



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ManHands wrote:

Don't they usually put in a large class when beginning a list (75+) ? I know for the 2011 they did or does it not matter?

 I think it's all based on needs of the department but I'm hoping for a large class in December, perphaps another 99 guys/gals to get the 2013 list rolling.



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ManHands wrote:

Don't they usually put in a large class when beginning a list (75+) ? I know for the 2011 they did or does it not matter?

 Based on needs and yes the opening class of the 2011 list was 75. At that time I remember people being shocked by that number. Throughout the duration of this list I was on, they had some nice sized classes.


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


Lt Exam Wars

Episode II : Vucinaj Strikes Back


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It's been two years since we took the 2013 exam. It's all about NEEDS OF THE DEPT! They'll begin with however many promotions they see fit

-- Edited by Oooh-yeah on Saturday 17th of October 2015 04:24:00 PM


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A few less than 700 recruits just started the Academy. Hopefully that'll make for some big classes in the coming months...


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