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Thow out!

After attending the protest and speaking to others the only point to pick up is the 2nd grammer question. Might be the only throw out. The DCAS rep. also stated aprox 4000 tests were scored.


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I agree I also attended the protest and after reading through the test thats the best one that we have chance of being thrown out


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Everyone who chose the stadium for the mobilization pass or failed this test should be protesting the incorrect questioning of SOUTHERLY or SOUTHERN winds. The word southerly and southern means the winds are blowing up from the south heading in a north direction, why would you put a mobilization into a park or anywhere else that the wind at 35mph will be blowing into you. This ridiculous wording to this question eliminates both answers and should be 100% thrown out.That question being thrown out gets everyone 2 additional points.All in all that is the perfect protest question, its a win for for everyone and a very big win with people like me who got a 69, it would actually mean 2 points cause the map would have to be thrown out as well,for those who got it correct you dont lose points you just keep it. I hope there are others out there in my boat or people looking for 2 additional points cause here they are !!!



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I'm happy someone else got told the same thing about the 4000 tests I was told.


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I'm trying my best to argue question 97. Were all city workers im sure a lot of you guys like myself have family members or friends that are teachers and/or professors. I'm having a few teachers and a professor giving me their thoughts on the double spacing. The more valid and knowledgeable our argument is the better shot we have to get it thrown out. This 1 point makes a huge difference for some of us. Any thoughts??



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Yes!! Question #3 and # 97 should be consider thrown out.



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Try to find reference material on properly single spacing that helps your case to include with your protest.


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is there another protest session?



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Anyone have any other strong protestable questions share with us so that the walk-in guys can have
More ammos to fight for it.


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I just spoke to an English professor who stated that the way they grade any english paper is GSP. Grammar, spelling, punct
uation. Spelling is NOT a grammar question. Does anyone remember the exact wording of Q97. I think we really have a shot of having it thrown out!


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I agree with you Pacman. I remember thinking I def got Q3 right! SMH


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Also we can't just talk about it on the forum, send in the protests!!!! I could not make the protest due to work but let's take advantage of the mail n protest.



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The only thing wrong with 97 was spacing. I don't know what English Professor would say that but if you gave one a sloppily spaced essay for sure you would not receive the higher grade point for it.



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I already submitted through send in by mail questions and reasons for #3 #97 #53 #100 and. I figured the
More you protest the more possiblility the Dcas may consider throw outs.


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What was question 100?



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If I remember correctly, the sector car was involved in the dept veh accident and the question stated where does Boro accident number is recorded. A. Choice was have P/S prepare mv 104, mv104L, and mv104AN B. Notify fleet service C. Record it in the telephone record D. Record it in PAR PG 217-06 12 sub (b) states: D/O obtain Boro accident report on telephone record.



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It's choice C.


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marc0930 wrote:

Regarding the map question, did it actually say "southerly" in the wording of the sentence?

so you asking people if it did say southerly or not .. dude you all over the site with protesting that question how would you protest something and telling people to do so and you yourself not even sure, on top of that you didn't even attempt to put the time and effort to attend the protest session. and no it says SOUTHERN. Good luck fighting that one i highly doubt it it will get thrown out. 



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Marco You got to stop man


67 on 2015 Lt Exam. DISGRACE!


Lt Exam Wars

Episode II : Vucinaj Strikes Back



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squin17 is right. I looked up the definition of "grammar" in the dictionary....it states 1. The study of the classes of words 2. The system of rules implicit in a language, regarded as a mechanism for generating sentences 3a. The syntactic and inflectional rules of a language 3b. Writing or speech evaluated with reference to conformity to such rules. Grammar is completely different from spelling. I think the answer where stationary was spelled stationery was more grammatically correct the the answer starting with "So".


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Dude that was one of the same moron so and the stationery..thats the same choice

-- Edited by gotabimer on Friday 18th of November 2011 10:18:01 PM


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Question..how they (DCAS) expect you to protest by mail if you don't remember the question number...even though I know the question itself?


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Do you remember the wording of q97 and the answers to choose from? I'm sitting with another English teacher right now! Lol



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That's the thing, I can't remember the way the question was worded or the other answers...........I remember that it didn't make any sense though


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I know!!! Here's my reasoning- Starting a sentence with so, which is an adverb and not really grammatically correct is the grammar answer. Misspelling of a word is not  grammar question it's a spelling error. I think the other choice was a word with a apostrophe  in it, that is a punctuation error. As far as the double spacing idk is that a font error?? Who the hell knows the question is all wrong and needs to be tossed all together...


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Grammar is the only one getting thrown out



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U think the question is getting tossed or is it a double answer?


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If we're to nitpick it then there is no right answer.



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I believe choice D for #97 is incorrect due to the word "Department" being falsely capitalized. The word "department" is describing the "memos", so it is being used as an adjective, not as a proper noun. If I recall correctly choice D was, "All captains write their notes on Department memos." I looked at this question for a good 10-15 minutes and that's ultimately why I chose choice C, which is apparently correct. Of course I could be totally wrong and this question could be thrown out all together lol, this is just why I believe choice D is incorrect.



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You can win this protest on two key points.

First, when the test writers stated "the distance between any two blocks is 500 feet" they failed to explain from what point on the block. For instance, is just across the street 500 feet? Is it midblock to midblock, near corner to far corner? Its not clear and THEY DID NOT INCLUDE A MAP SCALE on the map which is critical in determining distance. Therefore, since a full block separated the explosion from the stadium lot, crossing 2 steets should equal 1000 feet.

Second, you are right on the wind, but the problem you have is that the patol guide in the HazMat procedure states the set up upwind, IF POSSIBLE. To win your point on the wind, you have to prove that not only was the wind blowing from the south, but that it WAS POSSIBLE to set up at the Stadium parking lot. To do that you have on your side the fact that the test writers never said or implied that the LOT did not have space for the mobilization. Just because the concert at the stadium was full does not automatically translate to the lot not having room. Even if that is what the test writers meant, they did not make a statement in the test to make that clear. You can beat them on that.

Basically, hit DCAS on the above two points and you can most likely have this question turned to a double answer for A and D.



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marc0930 wrote:

Everyone who chose the stadium for the mobilization pass or failed this test should be protesting the incorrect questioning of SOUTHERLY or SOUTHERN winds. The word southerly and southern means the winds are blowing up from the south heading in a north direction, why would you put a mobilization into a park or anywhere else that the wind at 35mph will be blowing into you. This ridiculous wording to this question eliminates both answers and should be 100% thrown out.That question being thrown out gets everyone 2 additional points.All in all that is the perfect protest question, its a win for for everyone and a very big win with people like me who got a 69, it would actually mean 2 points cause the map would have to be thrown out as well,for those who got it correct you dont lose points you just keep it. I hope there are others out there in my boat or people looking for 2 additional points cause here they are !!!

 Hi Marc

A lot of people are making fun of you about the  mobilization question. I believe there is trong case that can be made to throw that question and question 17 out.

First, I took a class in weather and climate in college and  i went back and checked  the book to make sure. It states that wind direction is described as the direction from which the wind is blowing, so southern or southerly wind is blowing from the south. They made a mistake on the wording of the question. They  should have said  there was northerly wind blowing, to indicate that the wind was blowing from the north to the south.

Second the question involved an explosion which requires a distance of 1000 feet. In the booklet they stated that the distance of two blocks was 500 feet. None of the answere were a 1000 feet from the explosion making the stadium a wrong answere too.

If you or any other member of the forum can remember in more detail the question an all the choices given I believe there is enough evidence to prove that dcas messed up on this question and that they should throw it out along question 17.




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Can anyone give an honest prediction of which questions they think have the best chances of getting thrown out or double answers? Right now from all these posts it looks like the best arguments are the second grammar question (#97), not sure what else.



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It seems above statement by 10-10 visious racoon makes sense, if so,then so far Q#3 Q#97 most likely will be thrown out.
Which one is Q#17 ?



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I think #17 was the in basket question about the map route to the mobilization location. If the location was the stadium then the route / question #17 would probably have to be thrown out too



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Marco I think u have extra help from 10-10 visious's point! Let's hope they throw it out with the grammar question!



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#3 was the force figures question?


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Good luck 10-10 and marco



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Yes indeed!



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Here is the protest for question 16. Mail it in.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services proposed answer key for PROMOTION TO SERGEANT (POLICE) Exam No. 1533 records choice "d" as a correct answer for question number 16.

Several crucial facts indicate that choice "a" is the most correct answer, and is as good as or better than the proposed key answer choice "d".

The question asks the reader to locate the appropriate mobilization point for an explosion that has occurred at a clinic where there is an orange smoke coming from the clinic. This orange smoke would indicate a hazardous material that is airborne and can be blown by the wind.  Patrol Guide 212-37 (Hazardous Materials) states to establish frozen zones for 2-c. Explosion or fire: (1) Outdoors - at least 1000 feet in radius from explosive indicating that the mobilization point must be at least 1000 feet from the clinic. It further states to 18-b-(1) Choose area on high ground and/or upwind of hazardous material, if possible, to avoid contamination. Patrol Guide 213-02 (Emergency Incidents) then states that NOTE: Mobilization point should be of sufficient size to accommodate a Level 3 or 4 mobilization.

This leads the reader to look for 3 criteria in choosing a mobilization point: 1) that it is at least 1000 feet away from the clinic, 2) can accommodate a Level 3 or 4 mobilization and 3), if possible, be located upwind.

For the 1000 feet minimum distance, the information for the map stated the distance between any two blocks is 500 feet. There were no scales on the map. This is very ambiguous and begs the question; is the distance measured from the same point on the two blocks? Could just going from one corner across the street to the other corner be 500 feet? Since there was one full block between the clinic and the stadium parking lot, then based on the given statement crossing 2 streets that separates 3 blocks (clinic, stadium parking lot, and the block between them) would meet the minimum distance of 1000 feet.

For the ability of the mobilization point to be able to accommodate a Level 3 or 4 mobilization, several material in the in-basket indicated there was a sold-out concert at the stadium that was over capacity. What was not mentioned was the size/capacity of the parking lot nor was mentioned how much of the parking lot was used/not available when determining if it could be used for a mobilization point. This can lead one to believe that perhaps the parking lot could have been very large and still have ample space even with an over-capacity event. The information given was not specific enough about the space available in the stadium parking lot. Therefore, the stadium parking lot must be assumed to be able to accommodate a Level 3 or 4 mobilization.

Finally, as for locating the mobilization point upwind, if possible, the introduction to the in-basket stated that winds were southern at 35 MPH. According to Webster Dictionary, both southern and southerly mean coming from the south <a southern breeze> meaning the wind blows from south to north. Since the stadium was south of the clinic and the wind is blowing north, then the stadium is upwind of the explosion and smoke.

In summation, choice "d", the park, may be over 1000 feet away and capable of accommodating a Level 3 or 4 mobilization, but it is downwind of an airborne hazardous material and IT WAS POSSIBLE to mobilize at the stadium parking lot. Choice "a" on the other hand, is a correct statement due to the fact that it meets all the criteria for a mobilization point: it is upwind, at least 1000 feet away, and is apparently able to accommodate a Level 3 or 4 mobilization.

Based upon the foregoing facts, choice "a" is noticeably the most correct answer, and as such, should be the key answer for question number 16. It is therefore respectfully requested that the Test Validation Board change the final key answer for question number 16 to read "a".



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RE: Thow out!

The point Scammer makes which you are all missing is this: Every one of you who picked the park quickly assume that because there was a concert IN THE STADIUM that was also overflowing meant that the parking lot must have had no room for the mobilization.

Scammer is right when he says that the test writers never told us how big the parking lot was and how much of the space was used or available. Since they were never specific enough, you cannot just make assumptions based on the fact that a concert was going on.

For all we know, the parking lot could have been so big that half of it was empty.

He is right and all of you who don't understand that are tree-hugging libs.

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