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Post Info TOPIC: Going Underground

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Going Underground

Hello all it has been my pleasure to give you whatever info I can to keep you posted on what's going on in regards to promotions ,and pehaps now some of you can help me .

It seems as though with all the gloomy news at Bmoc whether I could find a place to escape it all. I mean every day it's all about when you get to your Pcts youre gonna get Cd's for this and Cd's for that. So I figured since Transit is gonna maybe make me some OT and since you never hear that many cops getting jammed up that maybe I would luck out with transit.

My question to anyone in transit or better yet who's done transit and Pcts is this: If you had the choice of transit again but would be going to a ****ty command like the 67 ,would you choose transit still or go with a better located Pct where you have to deal with more crap? 



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Every where is different. I work in an A house pct in the Bronx and I enjoy it as a cop, bosses on the other hand not so much. They don't complain about the overtime, but their biggest gripe are the cops.

I've spoken to bosses from transit they are indifferent about transit. Some like it and the ot that comes with it. The biggest complaint i've heard with transit is the cops.

What I guess I'm trying to say is that if you have a good group working for you, it doesn't matter where you end up because it will make your job that much easier or vice versa. Cops will make or break a command bottom line.


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What is it about Transit that makes certain problems more inherent in them? I mean what are the bosses expecting of them?


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Hey brother, I was transit Brooklyn for 6 years, and bosses have it real good there. But like detox says, their biggest problems come from cops not taking them seriously because either they've been inside their whole career or they are trying to change the transit life they are accustomed to.

As far as I'm concerned, I will NOT be going back, as the ot is truly blood money! I hear housing is really good though!


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Hwoarang01, how often do they actually turn off the power in transit ?? Always a question on these test..


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take BMOC for what it is, just like the academy life is a bit different once you get out. Transition isnt't easy from cop-boss, but not impossible or rocket science. Just don't be afraid to make a decision and stick with it no matter what command u go to....



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Transit is a completely different job. If u like patrol, don't go to transit.
Cops get OT, bosses get little. Transit cops are not bad but they are resistant to change.
I left an A house, went to Transit, and regret it everyday. Don't be surprised to find a 15 year
Transit guys that has never done a PAR, DIR, etc. Transit bosses are susceptible to getting CD's
at a higher clip than a boss in an A house. With that being said, to each their own. I dislike it. You
may like it.


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Hey ringer, cops don't turn power off, bosses are supposed to. And you only do it in extreme cases: man under, jumpers etc.. Rarely you have power shut off! For my six years in transit, I've heard they turned it off about 5-7 times in Brooklyn!

To 10-6, when I left transit, I was afraid of change, but holy sh!t it's a hundred times better upstairs and and wayyyyyy more exciting!!

To twntynout, AMEN brother!!!


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I guess the answers will depend on the mindset of each of you; My mind set is if it aint broke don't fix it. I don't car if my cops haven't done a PAR or DIR . That all can be addressed. Did patrol for 15 years in an A house and ready for a change . From what I hear Patrol will still handle for stuff that happens above in PCts and I still get to play and maybe help them out but Minus the paper work that goes with it,no?

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