RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
Someone is posting false rumors about the safety of our site. Rest assured that the threat is minimal. The"threat" is just the same as going to any other site on the web. As per their linked article, they even say so:
Obviously, cs3100 works for "X-exam". If you know anything about websites and the internet, virtually every site that has pop-ups or any kind of ads on them, may place a harmless cookie on your browser. They're easily deleted with routine maintenance like scandisk, history deleting, etc. Apparently, "X-exam" feels the need to scare everyone into going back to their outdated site. Whateva............