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BMOC did mention February class a few times during lectures and no further classes till jun/july... but it is not official as far as the date for february .... well that was never mentioned
P.S. when personell sergeant came down with the dream sheet on thursday he stated that there will not be a class till june... end of story
Between u and i, i really do not see it happening because they need sergeants bad and education and tracking unit cleared additional people on the list. Expect FINEST to come down in a near future.
good luck to all i will post more as it becomes available
Does that make any sense? 75 Sergeants for 5 months if no BLC/BMOC until June. That's 15 bosses per month until June, unheard of. 339 body list means roughly 28 to 30 bosses a month for promotion for a full 12 month year. I can understand and see why a February class would be bypassed because of such a big January class but I think they would at least put one in for March, at the latest. Keeping my fingers crossed.
A friend at 1PP was told by his boss that there will be a Feb 4th class. (My friend is reliable, not sure about his boss. )
I spoke to someone at Uniform Promotions, they havent heard anything yet, the nice lady told me to call back the week of promotion for the current Bmoc class.
ETU has cleared up to number 287 as of last wednesday.
And the last rumor i've heard was that they will go through the entire list just to get enough people for the next class.
My source is a good guy but he's been wrong before. I hope he's wrong about this one. If there is a class in Feb, and it's a big one I should be there. EastHarlem on the air? If you are, what are you hearing? I called uniform promotion unit last week also and the nice lady informed me that I was cleared educationally and also said she didn't know about any future class and to hope for the best.
I have no source, but my guess is, if the rumor is true, that there are no promotions until june/july because a bulk of the group will hit their 5 in july like myself, and then make a large class. I could be wrong, I never saw the list myself, so I don't know how many people are from the july 03 class, or how much time people have on in general from the list. Either way at least for me it doesn't matter, I still have to wait a while i'm in the upper 100's
Regarding the 339 person list over 130 have more than 5 years on up to about 200. From 200 on I don't know. That makes it probably around at least half this list already has 5 years on at this time, which means the other half will have to wait until July 2, 2008 or January 20 (I believe) 2009 to make 5 years. The department can put a class in but the question is will they.
Maybe Shaky can confirm this but I just heard no February BMOC/BLC class as of 1/22. No further notice as to when the classes will resume. Guess my other source was on the money this time.
I heard tonight that there will not be a Feb class. I have reached out to a friend at 1PP to see what he comes up with. Last week there was going to be a Feb 4th class, this week no class. I guess we will all have to wait and see.
103 people do not have enough time on. The majority being from the July 03 class. (A friend went through the entire list and wrote every rookie's list number down. Yes, my friend has too much time on his hands. LOL.)
Not holding my breath for Feb. I guess it's a hurry up and wait and see for a March 3rd class for now. It's a month to month thing now especially with no cops in BMOC to keep us up to date for rumors.
How good is your info "anonymous"? I heard the same thing that ft surrender heard but only better by a month, that no more promotions until June. Since the job is so smart and they promoted about a third of the list, as opposed to pacing themselves, they can have three Bmocs, next one in June and the next one in January 2009 where they'll finish the list. All kidding aside, my source says no promotions in Feb because on paper the Sergeants to cop ratio is good. But in the real world everywhere is short Sergeants except in IAB where all the bosses are. Didn't you notice all the Sergeants with IAB collar brass during the exams? February isn't happening, if by some miracle it does the finest will come down tomorrow, Wed, or Thurs the latest. Gave up hope for February, optimistic about March but not holding my breath because with this job you just never know. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't have a class until June/July. Been on long enough that not much surprises me anymore and that there is no sure thing on this job.
Just so you know, not that it helps anyone, of the 103 people on this list without 5 years 23 are eligible on jan 20 2009 and 1 on jan 30 2009. so the other 99 are eligible july 2008.
Going to throw in my two sense here....there is a list of 75 to 80 eligible names on it, sitting on someones desk at 1PP. I have a good source down there. He is not sure either way if there is a class or there isnt a class, (sorry cant give an affirmative answer either way.) However, the job is short Sgt's and to wait until June/July wouldn't make much sense. (I know this job dosent make much sense sometimes.) So, we'll all have to wait for a finest to come down, whenever that will be. I work with a guy who has 20 years on this month, hopefully there will be sgts retiring from this class, creating a larger shortage, promting a bmoc class.