RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
Hey Rising Star, Thanks for creating this board for all of us to discuss promotional issues since ExamX is now gone for good, so I hear. Hopefully, we can discuss things here in a mature professional manner for the betterment of this job we've chosen! Good luck to the new board, and thanks for a great promotional product that worked well for me and others! J
Not sure what happened to them, but in any event, their product was not kept current and they didn't produce on their promises to put out updated testing material. Whoever ran or owned that site obviously didn't care to keep it up. I think it got to the point that people only went to the site for discussion purposes anyway. Now that the discussion end of it is gone, we needed a board like this to take its place. J
This is a much better forum than examx. I was able to register and post on this site immediately unlike examx, to which i was still inactive after registering over 10 months ago. Lets keep this site active and informative. Great job Rising Star, way to step up.
I was able to register and post on this site immediately unlike examx, to which i was still inactive after registering over 10 months ago. Lets keep this site active and informative.