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Im curious to see everyones thoughts. The dept obviously is reeling from cops jumping ship to move laterally to depts upstate(Nassau/Suffolk/MTA) , as well as influx of coming retirements. This October class coming into academy is supposed to be 1,000 recruits and January hire supposed to be somewhat the same . Do you guys think that the huge Sgt list was designed for the upcoming events ? If so will each class be stuck at 75 Sgts per bmoc or may we be looking at larger Bmoc classes ?
These new guys coming out are leaving NYPD with nothing planned after they quit. They would rather live in their parents basement. The problem being is NYPD cares nothing about
your quality of life. These poor kids are worked so hard that they would rather quit and work another or work no job rather than stay and be abused by these megalomaniacs. Lots are going upstate to these depts that allow lateral transfers and have comparative pay rates that they had here.
The nypd needs to look at how bad our quality of life is compared to other agencies. But rather than fix the long term problem , nypd does nothing and watches the rank and file dwindle after all these retirements. The days where you could find an old timer with 30 years on patrol after getting out of the academy are long gone. Nowadays someone with TOJ on patrol is the guy with 5-7 years on patrol. And same guy has his sights on anti crime/NST/ or squad - hes not staying and I dont blame him.
One has to hope that things get better but under circumstances with our former FBI PC and now our newly
crowned PC who was formerly sanitation head who has no experience in law enforcement , who the hell knows where this dept is going. Our lady of victory pray for us !
Its absolutely insane that if those numbers are accurate, the same percentage of cops from the July 2008 and January 2020 classes have since left the job.