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Post Info TOPIC: Nassau PD or take the promotion to Sgt


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Nassau PD or take the promotion to Sgt

Good afternoon everyone!

Wanted to get everyone's opinion on whether or not you guys would leave this job to go to Nassau PD and start all over (11 years to top pay), or stay and get promoted here in a little less than 2 years? I currently have 8 years on. Going to NCPD would be for this upcoming spring academy.

Thanks and have a great new year!



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It all depends where your at in your career and what exactly you are looking for in terms of workload. Going to Nassau PD you will probably work less. Keep more of your RDOs and many more positives.If you stay in the NYPD you already know the conditions we work in. When you get promoted to Sgt you are now in charge of a whole squad and possibly a platoon if you are the highest ranking member on patrol that day. You will have to learn how to motivate your cops and also please your supervisors (Lt,XO,CO etc). Are you willing to take the rank and take on that responsibility. Im not trying to frighten you but most things will fall on you the patrol supervisor/desk officer. Its not like being a cop where you can step aside and let the rookie take the bag. On the positive side you wont have to deal with EOT collars, standing on a transit post for 8hrs, being inspected by some incompetent Sgt, etc. I have been fortunate to have a good CO so my time as a rookie Sgt went well but I also busted my ass ensuring my cops were happy and taken care of when I am around along with having them produce. Hope this helps out a bit.



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Thanks for taking the time to write that. I will definitely keep these words in mind.



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As someone in ur exact shoes. NCPD will be my route. Run while you can


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Go brother and dont look back you have an out. Very good quality of life. Stay in shape until then and you are golden. I wish you the best of luck.



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Rs4u wrote:

As someone in ur exact shoes. NCPD will be my route. Run while you can

 lool got a slow jog going



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bben4567 wrote:

Go brother and dont look back you have an out. Very good quality of life. Stay in shape until then and you are golden. I wish you the best of luck.

 thanks a lot, i've restarted the cardio engines in anticipation for next year, just incase lol. I think i know what i have to do/choose lol


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Yea bro same here with the cardio. Some distance for a couple of days of the week and other days include some sprints throughout the week. You will be ready.



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Take Nassau PD and don't look back. As a LT with 5 plus years on in rank, I would probably take Nassau too if it was offered to me right now. The jobs gets slightly better as you move up the ranks, but being a rookie Sgt, you're going to work your ass off. If you're in a slower command you're going to get tour changed non-stop, you'll be on the Desk more than being on patrol, and you'll get all of the undesired details.

So yea, take NASSAU!!



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PD2FD wrote:

Take Nassau PD and don't look back. As a LT with 5 plus years on in rank, I would probably take Nassau too if it was offered to me right now. The jobs gets slightly better as you move up the ranks, but being a rookie Sgt, you're going to work your ass off. If you're in a slower command you're going to get tour changed non-stop, you'll be on the Desk more than being on patrol, and you'll get all of the undesired details.

So yea, take NASSAU!!

 Thanks for the insight! 

-- Edited by MikeHunt on Wednesday 3rd of January 2024 09:07:21 PM



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Nothing is guaranteed. Who to say they will get to your list number in 2 years? If you have a family and/or young children, its an no-brainer.leave and never look back. Better quality of life and overall less stress. Two things the NYPD obviously dont care about when it comes to their officers.


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5yearSGT wrote:

Nothing is guaranteed. Who to say they will get to your list number in 2 years? If you have a family and/or young children, its an no-brainer.leave and never look back. Better quality of life and overall less stress. Two things the NYPD obviously dont care about when it comes to their officers.

 Yeah you're correct, anything can happen in these 2 years. Better to run now and be chillin in 2 years than rotting away here lol

-- Edited by MikeHunt on Friday 5th of January 2024 09:55:07 PM


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depends where you are at in life too.. do you have kids family mortgage etc.. do you live in Long Island already?

i think 99% of people will say yes..quality of life better likely better commute .. by time you hit top pay in 11 years youll prob be clearing 300 k as a cop 


this job is a sinking ship now it seems and no signs of any help coming



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JPAL91091 wrote:

depends where you are at in life too.. do you have kids family mortgage etc.. do you live in Long Island already?

i think 99% of people will say yes..quality of life better likely better commute .. by time you hit top pay in 11 years youll prob be clearing 300 k as a cop 


this job is a sinking ship now it seems and no signs of any help coming

 No kids or mortgage yet. Happily married lol. Im out in suffolk county. This is looking more and nore like a no brainer lol. 


**Just want to say thanks to all that took time to comment. I've started to slowly burn my time in anticipation for the spring. Thank you to everyone.


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Nassau in obvious choice lol. Nassau cops at top pay making money as much as captains. Their pay bumps per year are good. Given if you can afford this change.



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28approved wrote:

Nassau in obvious choice lol. Nassau cops at top pay making money as much as captains. Their pay bumps per year are good. Given if you can afford this change.

 Yeah you're right. I may not even make captain in 11 years lol. I am fully committed now. 

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