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PBA expires July 31, POS LittleShlong is going to push this until then, once August comes hell say SBA is going to wait to settle with PBA to fix shit 2 years after that. If Adams doesnt come back & NYC elects another communist Marxist fuck, then itll be another 4-5 years. Fuck Vinnie. Fuck every high ranking person in this union.
There are 3 year or approaching 3 year SGTs that truly cant afford to wait 2.5 more years to hit top pay & no contract in site. Fuck this retro shit. Overly taxed & its not helping tier 2 overages. Were losing more money than we stand to gain in waiting.
PBA expires July 31, POS LittleShlong is going to push this until then, once August comes hell say SBA is going to wait to settle with PBA to fix shit 2 years after that. If Adams doesnt come back & NYC elects another communist Marxist fuck, then itll be another 4-5 years. Fuck Vinnie. Fuck every high ranking person in this union.
There are 3 year or approaching 3 year SGTs that truly cant afford to wait 2.5 more years to hit top pay & no contract in site. Fuck this retro shit. Overly taxed & its not helping tier 2 overages. Were losing more money than we stand to gain in waiting.
who knows, you might have to start stealing cough syrup and cough drops...
Whats the next step for us to take ? We cant strike..but I believe the blue flu could possibly be going around soon. Oddly enough it only affects sgts stuck at $96,000. Anyone agree..?
There are 3 year or approaching 3 year SGTs that truly cant afford to wait 2.5 more years to hit top pay & no contract in site. Fuck this retro shit. Overly taxed & its not helping tier 2 overages. Were losing more money than we stand to gain in waiting.
who knows, you might have to start stealing cough syrup and cough drops...
I was personally told by a LuluLemon employee that they cant stop anyone from stealing, and they cant call unless the LP says so, so that would be my first stop. If you see a spike in Lululemon thefts mind ya business.
Aint no magic contract comingif its this year or 3 years from now.its gonna be the same shit.this magic contract some of you guys dream of isnt comingand santa and the Easter bunny dont exist either kids
If I was making more money than Sergeants who passed their exam before I was hired, I would be smiling too. Guess you could say that about 5 1/2 year veteran POs now as well. What a completely preventable and foreseeable disgrace.
-- Edited by WartimeConsigliere on Tuesday 4th of February 2025 06:56:54 PM
If I was making more money than Sergeants who passed their exam before I was hired, I would be smiling too. Guess you could say that about 5 1/2 year veteran POs now as well. What a completely preventable and foreseeable disgrace.
-- Edited by WartimeConsigliere on Tuesday 4th of February 2025 06:56:54 PM
Just a reminder, "it's the city's fault", and not the SBAs. The SBA has done everything by the book, and executed everything perfectly. They even agreed upon pattern wage increases back in June of 2023, such innovators. Gonna be a 2 year old agreement in 4 short months, lmao! We are waiting on a BS "raise" once again. You can cut those BS raises easily by 50% by now, and it's clearly in their plan to wait this out and have the 97k group get smaller and smaller, month by month.
Vin, can we get a recycled, bs update..?..we know you want to keep us in the dark, but that's the play book for the summer. It should be atleast 2 updates every month.
Thank you for your continued patience during these frustrating negotiations but we can assure you we have them by the balls, any year now - the city will cave.
-- Edited by Tribal Chief on Sunday 9th of February 2025 11:53:49 PM
The boards union stipend should be suspended while out of contract. These guys are making out like bandits all while 1200 Sgts make 12k less than a 5.5 year cop. Its a disgrace
I asked my delegate how can we bring forth a vote of no confidence and get this loser out of office now. He goes Im not sure. We just gotta wait till next election. This is a union in name only. Most of these delegates took it for the wrong reason. All bark absolutely zero bite
You all do know you can opt out of being part of Sba correct??? You still get the raises associated w the rank. You lose the benefits tho so eye care dental law services etc.
Who would like to have a Rally in front of the SBA Headquarters Tuesday February 25th lets say 0900? Its time we start directing the noise where it belongs. These guys are useless and need to be reminded of that very loudly. Ill be there hope to see you all there!
You all do know you can opt out of being part of Sba correct??? You still get the raises associated w the rank. You lose the benefits tho so eye care dental law services etc.
Truth, what's up with the SBA dick-riding? These Boomer Sergeant's ruined the Union so "why don't we just leave"? Better idea, every Sergeant with more than 3 years in rank loses their ability to vote because obviously they can't make intelligent decisions, all the delegates the voted yes for that garbage contract step down along with the SBA board so we can pull this Union out of the gutter.
Take this guy that got elected by nobody to Sergeant at Arms today. He got on the job when I was 8 years old. He's gonna represent my interests on this job? GTFO.
Not saying I advise it, but if you are that disgusted w the union no one says you need to be apart of it. However, my guess is your frustration is more towards the communication and the feeling of being left behind by an organization you feel is gas lighting you. I was a sgt under Mullins area so I have no insight on anything w this union. Ill give you my outside perspective. I think the union over played their hand in past negotiations. I do believe now they are trying to fix it and have no leverage other than promoting those new guys to top pay. I dont think they are doing it to silence you guys on here. Just my take, Im a nobody though so who knows
I urge everyone to call and/or email the union. Unfortunately all delegates and directors are inept and just want remain in the good graces of sleepy vin and empty suit ed.
Dont call around 1300 as thats lunch time and you dont get in between an SBA board member and his gabagool.
The city actually did what its supposed to do. I cant fault them. The Sba accepted the numbers (pattern) almost two years ago. They let us know every email how the numbers are set in stone. Dont blame the city- blame Vinny.
The city might have "caused" this problem, but did they force you to accept that ridiculous 2021 contract that you guys were so "proud" of.
And added a year to Top Pay, you guys voted YES. Look how far you guys were off by, cops were making 105k just 2 years later, and 109k now. Did the city force you to accept the pattern wages 2 years ago (lmao), that have been cut in half by inflation, and oh yea, we still haven't seen those raises. Not to mention rookie Sgt's going straight to the top, asking me questions on how to do the "book". Only 1200 Sgts going to top pay, with retro can fix this, but that's wishful thinking.
This is a very serious concern. As we all know the SBA is unable to secure us a contract even though the numbers were gifted to us by the city.
The SBA has not said a single word publicly about congestion pricing, the 50-A facial recognition and of course any pension reforms. Maybe its too much to expect anything from the SBA but Im hearing the PBA is at least making an effort to improve the tier 3 mess that the majority of the job is navigating through.
Maybe during this stalemate the SBA should put forth some effort in the other facets of life that the majority of the membership is dealing with.
Remember, call and email the union. They work for you.
Dont worry hunnie, I know your union boss is a piece of shit, & youre not getting overtime or a raise anytime soon, so dont waste $300 on flowers candy a card & dinner said no woman ever. Hope Vinny LittleShlong is enjoying a nice evening with his wife. Fucking loser.