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THE KEY—Instructor

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Check your DCAS portal, Admission Notices are up!!!



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By the wording of the admission notice, it looks like there are multiple sessions, an AM/PM


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3pm 210 joraelmon street Brooklyn. Brutal


You are what your record says you are.


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i have mine in Forest Hills at 8am Aug 16






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Read that Notice on their website. 
see attachment 


Morning Sessions cannot leave until test is over.

afternoon session may leave once the test is over.

you have to wear a Face Mask! And they do not provide any!







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Sad to say, but the same scandal that took place with the Sgt's Exam will take place with this Captain's Exam.
Theres enough time between both sessions to allow people to share answers; which will lead to lawsuits, cheaters prospering, unfairness, headaches etc.

The powers that be in this department and DCAS need to be contacted in order to prevent this from happening.
There are 8 days left to the Captain exam, which is enough time to figure out a better solution.

I would rather try to figure this out now, then someone who barely studied leapfrog their way to the top.
I would rather try to figure this out now before a lawsuit happens and delays all promotions.



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Unless they hold the morning session until the pm session is seated. Sucks for the AM session but hopefully DCAS reads this. Lets hope they do and get speedy list out!


THE KEY—Instructor

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Leslie, thats the plan...It states that in the Admission Notice


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We getting our scores or are they going to hold off because its the two session shenanigans. I could see them not giving them out because of the gap.


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Hopefully they do.... Just the raw score so that I can put it to bed... Im sure many of you agree with me....  Enough is enough.... Tired already..... Im at 12 hrs. give or take... Hopefully an old timer like me can make it.... only to retire in two years... LOL 



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I hear we are. The cops didnt bc the Javitz is not a DCAS facility. I believe DCAS will only give raw score if taken at a dcas testing site. All of us have dcas locations to my knowledge.. I had multiple cops of mine asking dcas that day and they were provided with that as an answer. 

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 05:54:37 AM


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There going to hold people from 8-3pm.

Sucks for the AM guys


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I think the morning people being held until 3pm is happening. I think that is why they wont give you the score on test day. In 2017 there was only one session, and when you finished you left, unless Im wrong.

If they give a 2015 like lieutenant exam and I score a 63 and Im done at 1030 am, no one is keeping me in that building, Im a lieutenant for life.

For those of us who took the 2015 test, imagine sitting in that school for hours after you know you got screwed. They would of had to call a level 3 to calm people down. 

The only way to avoid that scenario is to hold off on releasing your results until after exam day. Just my opinion, hope Im wrong

-- Edited by Chew11 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 01:25:33 PM


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Chew11 wrote:

I think the morning people being held until 3pm is happening. I think that is why they wont give you the score on test day. In 2017 there was only one session, and when you finished you left, unless Im wrong.

If they give a 2015 like lieutenant exam and I score a 63 and Im done at 1030 am, no one is keeping me in that building, Im a lieutenant for life.

For those of us who took the 2015 test, imagine sitting in that school for hours after you know you got screwed. They would of had to call a level 3 to calm people down. 

The only way to avoid that scenario is to hold off on releasing your results until after exam day. Just my opinion, hope Im wrong

-- Edited by Chew11 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 01:25:33 PM

 I was under the impression they were gonna Email your score after a few hours cause of the last captain's exam. There were some tense moments when people immediately got their scores


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FranknBeans wrote:
Chew11 wrote:

I think the morning people being held until 3pm is happening. I think that is why they wont give you the score on test day. In 2017 there was only one session, and when you finished you left, unless Im wrong.

If they give a 2015 like lieutenant exam and I score a 63 and Im done at 1030 am, no one is keeping me in that building, Im a lieutenant for life.

For those of us who took the 2015 test, imagine sitting in that school for hours after you know you got screwed. They would of had to call a level 3 to calm people down. 

The only way to avoid that scenario is to hold off on releasing your results until after exam day. Just my opinion, hope Im wrong

-- Edited by Chew11 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 01:25:33 PM

 I was under the impression they were gonna Email your score after a few hours cause of the last captain's exam. There were some tense moments when people immediately got their scores

 That makes sense. I can see how it can get tense. The simple answer to gain the voluntary compliance of test takers is to leave them wondering if they passed or failed. 

with that said, DCAS does nothing logical and we might be in for a SHOW.


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First exam session is at 8 - 12:30pm.

Second session is at 3 - 7:30pm

Lets say first session starts their exam a whole hour and half late, at 9:30. That means it ends at 2pm..
Will they hold everyone AND restrict them from using their phone until second session is seated???
That will be ideal.. It will take some more coordination and extra manpower on their end, but its possible
But I have zero faith in DCAS.

If 799 signed up, but about 500 are eligible to take exam, it should be that hard to coordinate 500 people.
One site, one session will resolve all of this..
I would rather do it at the Javit Center and wait two weeks for my score, then two have people share answers to session 2.

It literally takes less than 2 minutes to send out the exam via text

Job needs Captains ASAP. I won't be suprised if we get our results before the Sgt's.


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They are going to hold us captive with no scores. Thats the only way they avoid a total cluster/hostage barricaded scenario.

Think about it: the only power they have to keep you in the room is if your score is NULL if you leave. If I got a 60, go ahead and NULL me, its a free country and I can leave. Professionalism might keep me there but others might see it differently.

-- Edited by Chew11 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 02:47:03 PM


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This should not be hard for DCAS to figure out.. ONLY 500 people eligible and will sit and take exam.
The right thing to do: once individual is done taking the exam, escort each individual to an empty/different room AND not allow them to use their phone. Hold them until 3:30pm, which is when session two is seated.
Keep the scores. The job needs Captains soooo bad, that first class will go in before end of this year.
And I no math magician, but I anticipate 50 getting made to Captains before end of this year.. Is my number off by a lot?


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Where in the world are you getting this number 500 as eligible.... 500 from 799 is a far fetch. 300 "possible lieutenants" in the rank of Srgrant did not sign up for this test. Actual lieutenants signed up and believe it or not, want the rank so be prepared for competition and study. 700 will sit and according to what is seen in the classes, about 100-150 are attending with additional viewing at home, I'd say 400 are studying hard and the remaing 300 are ehhhh whatever. Last list was about 260 so of the 400, half pass. I see a 200-250 list generated. 


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*Sergeant. Wtf did I type lol


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LeggoMyEggo wrote:

This should not be hard for DCAS to figure out.. ONLY 500 people eligible and will sit and take exam.
The right thing to do: once individual is done taking the exam, escort each individual to an empty/different room AND not allow them to use their phone. Hold them until 3:30pm, which is when session two is seated.
Keep the scores. The job needs Captains soooo bad, that first class will go in before end of this year.
And I no math magician, but I anticipate 50 getting made to Captains before end of this year.. Is my number off by a lot?

 This is literally what it says on the admission notice . You cant leave until the other session is in line it seems.The issue is whether or not you will know your score while waiting for session two to begin or if you will not know on august 16th.

-- Edited by Chew11 on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 03:48:00 PM


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Not being able to leave until session is seated is better.
A concern is session 1 sharing messages once they leave to people "in line."
I am okay finding out scores one day after exam on August 17.


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DCAS made some good change for once. They moved 3pm session.
Times for exams are now Session 1: 8am and Session 2: 1:30pm.
Sucks that it was at the expense of Sgt's exam though.



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LeggoMyEggo wrote:

DCAS made some good change for once. They moved 3pm session.
Times for exams are now Session 1: 8am and Session 2: 1:30pm.
Sucks that it was at the expense of Sgt's exam though.

 I agree with you. The only problem is that dcas has not sent any email out to tell people that the notice of examination has been updated. Someone can easily miss the exam and sue. Morons need to email people or mail it out to put people on notice that the notice has changed. The incompetence is insane, hopefully they look at this post for guidance..

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:35:04 PM

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:36:54 PM


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Leslie wrote:
Someone can easily miss the exam and sue.

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:36:54 PM

 Now that will be a personal problem. I will bring out my little violin for that one. 



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LeggoMyEggo wrote:
Leslie wrote:
Someone can easily miss the exam and sue.

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:36:54 PM

 Now that will be a personal problem. I will bring out my little violin for that one. 

 Until a scammer sues and the list gets delayed. Then youll play the actually violin 

-- Edited by Leslie on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 11:51:56 PM


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Yup, the info is legit, a friend checked his and it definitely changed form 1500 hrs to 1330 hrs!! No email update, just had to check DCAS website

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