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Post Info TOPIC: Cram Courses

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Cram Courses

Will any of the schools provide a cram course on the upcoming Captain exam? 

if so, are there any tentative dates 


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All the classes do... Im sure Mike is.  NO dates yet... Keep you posted. 


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@keycapt will you be doing any cram course or questions? Anyone know if key is doing this?


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Yano said he may do a 6 hour cram if there's interest in it and the place where he does the classes doesn't have anything booked.


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FranknBeans wrote:

Yano said he may do a 6 hour cram if there's interest in it and the place where he does the classes doesn't have anything booked.

 His crams are identical to his lessons, just going over specific procedures. I want to get a different perspective on things to help stick out more. 


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Also does anyone feel Mike's questions are not really geared towards captains at all? Feels like bunch of sgt question thrown in with very few capt ones.



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Jibberjab wrote:

Also does anyone feel Mike's questions are not really geared towards captains at all? Feels like bunch of sgt question thrown in with very few capt ones.

Mike definitely recycled his Sgts/Lts material. I respect Mike, but he half-assed the Captains prep course. Very few Captain questions.


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yes very disappointing. For SGT and Lt hes aces. But Captain hes def lacking in questions 


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Jibberjab wrote:
FranknBeans wrote:

Yano said he may do a 6 hour cram if there's interest in it and the place where he does the classes doesn't have anything booked.

 His crams are identical to his lessons, just going over specific procedures. I want to get a different perspective on things to help stick out more. 

 I'm just relaying info.

To me this whole thing feels like a cram session. Theres no way you can read 3-4 sections in a week and grasp everything.


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KEY just posted a cram course. Seems geared towards Sergents but they posted sergeant, lieutenant, and Captain.


THE KEY—Instructor

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Yes we posted an All Day Sgt Cram. This cram is strictly Sergeant material but for those studying for Lt and Capt you need to know everyones duties!!! We will be having a Capt cram as well, details to come soon....



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Typically what is the percentage of captain only questions on the exam ? 

-- Edited by 20n0ut on Thursday 14th of July 2022 09:00:34 AM


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41-47% typically


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The Key mobile app for sgts and lts was the best. Wish there was a capt one


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There is no money to made in the Captain course.

Guys make around 2.5-4 million for sgt exam if not more per school.

Figure Lt. 1/2 of that.

Captain only 700 people taking. So 300 per school at 800 a class only 240k.


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So how do people study for the captains test ?


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What kind of dumb question is that how do people study for captain exams everyone's study techniques are different some retain better than others. It's either you know the material or you don't


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Sgtnogood wrote:

What kind of dumb question is that how do people study for captain exams everyone's study techniques are different some retain better than others. It's either you know the material or you don't

 Asshole, it was meant as in do people just study the PG and AG on their own and guess which procedures will most likely appear on the exam? The promotion courses gives us guides on what to study, so If courses for the captains exam are subpar, how do people study for it ? 


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key just sent an email bout capt cram course. 3 sundays in a row starting jul 31st


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Will the previous captain exam rewrites be included with the cram course?



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this is the email for reference 


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Thanks for posting the email.

I took Elite for my Lts exam and did well. Did the same for this exam. As of right now i have done every activity, packet or question that was made available through Elites Captains course. I feel this exam course was rushed and should have been a 20 week course. I will be taking the Key cram course to get a different perspective as an earlier poster stated. Hope in the end its a fair exam. I put the time in and this is the last promotional exam for me.


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im hoping they put in a decent class before the test so i become eligible to take it. lol best of luck


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Is anyone doing the key? How are they with capts stuff or is it rushed with some bs questions?


THE KEY—Instructor

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Yes there will be prior Capt exam re-writes provided....




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Sticking to Mike's class. Might do the CRAM or not at this point it's all about reviewing the packets and I was worried about questions but he has so many it doesn't even matter. Wish someone would come up with a 100 question quiz isolating just capt's duties. I realieze they will question everything but I'm weak on the Capt's duties and that's the newest of information. Would be nice if one of these courses would just compile their existing capt's duties questions into just a 100 question quiz I'd pay to get my hands on that for this exam!


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Does anyone know who was selected to write this exam? A lot of us never found out about Vucinaj until it was too late. Just curious if they would make that mistake again. If I had seen his name writing it in 2015 I would have stopped studying that moment after having a few interactions with him.


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Leslie wrote:

Sticking to Mike's class. Might do the CRAM or not at this point it's all about reviewing the packets and I was worried about questions but he has so many it doesn't even matter. Wish someone would come up with a 100 question quiz isolating just capt's duties. I realieze they will question everything but I'm weak on the Capt's duties and that's the newest of information. Would be nice if one of these courses would just compile their existing capt's duties questions into just a 100 question quiz I'd pay to get my hands on that for this exam!

 We have 2 100-question exam of just Captain duties.



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Already did, long ago, just not under this name. 



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Rising star Capt's exam 1 & 2. How do they compare to the actual test? Are they on the harder side to challenge you? Or are they realistic to the exam. My vote is harder than one would expect based on the Lt's and Sgt's.



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Captain Leslie..god help us all.


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Is the RS Final exam for captain's randomly generated?? Find it odd  whole sections weren't asked at all...

-- Edited by FranknBeans on Thursday 4th of August 2022 07:43:28 AM



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You have less than 2 weeks left before your exam - Where do you stand against the competition? Try our 100-question practice captain exams to find out. After completion of each exam, your score will be displayed against the average (*averages will be updated in real-time as more students complete the exams). Three exams in total which are included in our reduced sale price for the entire course. Get all three practice exams, PLUS access to our full-course LMS with over 1,500 questions for only $199. Visit us at


and select "2022 Captain Exam" to start receiving it all. Registered Rising Star students will receive all three exams for free!


-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:27:19 PM

-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:28:27 PM

-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:30:08 PM


Tony Raganella - Co-Founder, Rising Star Promotions


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Tony Rags wrote:

You have less than 2 weeks left before your exam - Where do you stand against the competition? Try our 100-question practice captain exams to find out. After completion of each exam, your score will be displayed against the average (*averages will be updated in real-time as more students complete the exams). Three exams in total which are included in our reduced sale price for the entire course. Get all three practice exams, PLUS access to our full-course LMS with over 1,500 questions for only $199. Visit us at


and select "2022 Captain Exam" to start receiving it all. Registered Rising Star students will receive all three exams for free!


-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:27:19 PM

-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:28:27 PM

-- Edited by Tony Rags on Friday 5th of August 2022 06:30:08 PM

 After the sgt exam fiasco, you would be a dummy not the buy the rising star questions for this upcoming exam. You can make up the $200 at the West Indian Day parade!


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The key captain rewite exam 1 is tough.


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Very tough. Anyone know what year its based off of ?


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Based on the fact it had 7 cims questions and one truant question I looked at the history sheet and I believe it was the 2010 exam. Not sure how big the list was in 2010 and I could be wrong.


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Very challenging exam.

Now I understand why the 2010 list was only 125 names confuse

-- Edited by TenNinetyUnion on Saturday 6th of August 2022 12:22:50 PM



THE KEY—Instructor

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Our first re-write, the one being mentioned was from the 2010 test. We removed the in-basket portion and 4 procedures that were revoked, so the test you took had 84 questions. The actual 2010 test had 537 filers, 427 people who actually showed up, and 129 passed with a passing ratio of 30.21%


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I got a 65 and my feelings hurt on the first KEY re-write..


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68. Been studying hard. Im assuming the inbasket must have been fair for those who took it 12 years ago.


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A couple of them were wacky thou, I wont mention which so not to spoil it for those who havent took it, but 1 or two of them has stuff going to certain people. But shoot what was up with them cims questions! Sheesh!

-- Edited by Drstylez12 on Saturday 6th of August 2022 04:08:43 PM


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FYI: you mentioning CIMS questions is spoiling it.. Just saying

-- Edited by LeggoMyEggo on Saturday 6th of August 2022 04:28:22 PM


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It was already mention up top that there were CIM questions so yeah.


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that is correct.. spoiler alerts X2..


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I got a 62 on the 2010 Captains Re-write. This exam was ridiculously difficult. Has anyone passed it yet?


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Discouraging right ?


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Don't see it as difficult or discouraging.....see it as a way to not get it wrong ever again - meaning on test day.


-- Edited by Godzilla on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 06:11:53 PM

-- Edited by Godzilla on Tuesday 9th of August 2022 06:14:57 PM



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Don't even worry about the practice scores.  Just take it for what it is and polish up on some procedures.  I got a 62 also, I'm not worried.  Back when I was studying for Sergeant (2011) I took the Key rewrite of the 07 Sgts exam and got a 37 the Monday before the exam.  I freaked out, but I buckled down and passed.  Don't be discouraged.


I believe the rewrite was difficult and found myself scratching my head on a few of the questions.  George also said during the Cram this past weekend that the original exam was extremely tough.

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