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Post Info TOPIC: Regrets?

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Anyone on here make Captain and regret not staying a LT? I have yet to run into a happy Captain, however there are lots of happy LT's.


...Just a Rook who read a Big Book

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There are different routes to take as a captain.

Route 1 is the traditional xo route hoping to be a co of a command. Most guys I know who take this route want the promotion and some just want to be a co of a patrol command. These guys are beat up physically from the demands of being both and for the most part are unhappy w the treatment but in a sense satisfied they are in the game reaching for their goals. This is probably easiest route to promotion but w the new system of picking a co, who knows how that will go. From talking to these guys figuring if I want the rank only way you were getting a command is if you were well liked. Xo is like a haze in a fraternity w no guarantee to make the cut.

Route 2 is the admin life. I will bunch up all the admin spots w detective bureau etc. Now not all admin spots are created equal. DB for instance can still put you in the game and still can go different routes in your career. Most guys who do dB route seem to just complain about lack of promotion eligibility. But you still can get promoted especially since you will be talking at compstat. Then you have deep admin spots like property clerk etc where you make own hours etc where promotions are almost not happening. These guys seem very happy since all they do is one of two duties a month and are satisfied getting di/inspector/dc pension when they retire. If you must have the rank, this route will drive you crazy and make you miserable career wise.

This is just a general statement based on numerous convos I had w friend on whether I should take next captains test. There are outside cases where route 1 doesnt get promoted and route 2 does get promoted.



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I was a young LT making no overtime working somewhere I didn't care for, so in my case it was a no brainer to take the test. The rank itself is great. Once you get to top pay, the money is very good and the 8 hour tours go by quickly.

If you're going to be a lifer on the job and/or want to go high, you'll have to go the CO route. Even in a slow precinct the hours are long and there's a never-ending stream of meetings, details, plans, stats, etc. To top it off, if you don't quite fit the, uh, mold, of what City Hall believes NYPD leadership should look like you'll be waiting a while for the oak leaf while newer captains leapfrog over you despite running dysfunctional precincts and constantly bombing at Compstat. To top it off, now if you want to be a CO you get to have the borough president and a community council president who has 9 cats decide whether or not you're worthy for the job.

As for the detail route, there's no shortage of places to hide. If you're close to the end of your career, find a place where you can parlay your experience into a retirement gig. DB, IAB, Intel are good for this if you play it right. There are two caveats to remaining a captain though - patrol duties get old quickly (getting a call at 0600, 15 hours into your tour, for a school safety agent fighting with her child's father gets old) and you run the risk of getting sent to all out like a few dozen captains experienced last summer.

-- Edited by unborn on Monday 3rd of May 2021 01:57:14 PM



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All out is a possibility w any rank now. If they put you in all out as a captain atleast you still have a take home cat 1. Easier to be a do nothing xo who gets yelled at then a lieutenant placed in all out in a busy command. Some May disagree



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Truthseeker wrote:

All out is a possibility w any rank now. If they put you in all out as a captain atleast you still have a take home cat 1. Easier to be a do nothing xo who gets yelled at then a lieutenant placed in all out in a busy command. Some May disagree

 I don't disagree. My motto is if you pay me I'll do whatever you want. But if you're a 50 year old who's been doing banker's hours as the XO of the Fluffer Unit for the last decade, you likely have no desire to go to a precinct.


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If you are close to retirement maybe you roll the dice and stay a Lt but OT and good gigs dont last forever. Its a wise move long term to become a captain.


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I agree with all the above post. Patrol commands have always been a challenge for any boss especially in the current environment including new Captains. The job wants more and more from patrol with less resources and clear guidance. It does get better with time in rank and especially if you are liked in the borough. If you want to retire with a nice pension especially with the shortage of overtime Captain is the way to go. Once you are in an operational command as an XO feel things out and see if getting a command and getting promoted is the route you want to go. It is a lot of work and dedication to the job and will include time away from the family. Plus as mentioned the new process to get a command adds an additional layer of difficulty in getting a command. If running an operational command is not for you then like they mentioned above use your past experience and get into a gig possibly somewhere you worked as a lieutenant/sergeant. It's tough right now in all operational commands.

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