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Post Info TOPIC: March 2021

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March 2021

So I was on vacation, and when I got the email on my Dept phone I respond to accept the promo and attend on my vac. I called my admin LT and payroll to save my vac day and show up to the day. If your away than they can hold your promo for when you get back and not skip you. You are allow couple days off in bmoc. But if you dont have anything planned then save the days.


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Thank you. Yeah its just going to be a staycation anyways. I rather avoid the hassle and just attend.


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FYI, Tomorrow are dreamsheets. No word yet on another class.


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So when you say they hold the promo, does that mean you get promoted whenever you return from vacation, or are you held a spot for the next bmoc?


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Lets get some newsssssssssss in here!



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Hoping for another 75 at end of month or March



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I have a gut feeling that they are gonna do 75 a month until August. Between the excessive vacancies, the supposed academy class going in April, and Biden's bailout for NYS there's really no reason to assume that promotions will slow down. They need the numbers for the summer/labor day parade, which is probably going to be the biggest we've ever seen since they didn't get one last year. Everyone is going to ****ing lose their minds between being quarantined and the Minneapolis cop trial starting. 

-- Edited by fiftyfouredp on Wednesday 10th of February 2021 04:08:07 PM


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fiftyfouredp wrote:

So when you say they hold the promo, does that mean you get promoted whenever you return from vacation, or are you held a spot for the next bmoc?

 held for the next bmoc


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fiftyfouredp wrote:

I have a gut feeling that they are gonna do 75 a month until August. Between the excessive vacancies, the supposed academy class going in April, and Biden's bailout for NYS there's really no reason to assume that promotions will slow down. They need the numbers for the summer/labor day parade, which is probably going to be the biggest we've ever seen since they didn't get one last year. Everyone is going to ****ing lose their minds between being quarantined and the Minneapolis cop trial starting. 

-- Edited by fiftyfouredp on Wednesday 10th of February 2021 04:08:07 PM

 that would be awesome


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so if you crunch the numbers...

theres over 1200 names left and 22 monts left...

the job would have to promote about 60 cops every month for the next 22 consecutive months in order to exhaust the list...



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If and big IF they keep pumping 75 per class that would be 16 months to completion. My estimation is over 700 TOTAL vacancies by end of the year. This means regular Sgt retirements and Sgt to Lt promos.

This is merely my own estimation.


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I have been praying everyday that god makes this list get cut.


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Imagine being a troll on a board that is literally full of bosses from your job. People get ****ed with for less. Cliff says hi.



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Jokes on us, narco is really COD Monahan.


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Emails were sent out today to the new recruits. The new academy class will be sworn in on February 24th. I am praying a promotion will follow.

Some movement is better then no movement.


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So the most recent Lt bmoc has them reporting to their new command tomorrow. When does Sgt bmoc end? The timing could be right...


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The last time the recruit class went in 120 Sgts got put in BMOC. I'm THINKING the job used the academy class as leverage with City Hall to dump in Sgts as they KNOW they are SHORT. I'm holding my.glass up to OVER 75 getting put in. But as with anything in this department, it's all.speculation until.it happens.


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yougonow wrote:

The last time the recruit class went in 120 Sgts got put in BMOC. I'm THINKING the job used the academy class as leverage with City Hall to dump in Sgts as they KNOW they are SHORT. I'm holding my.glass up to OVER 75 getting put in. But as with anything in this department, it's all.speculation until.it happens.

 I am not sure how big the recruit class. I think I heard 350 before. But your right, a recruit class produced a big Bmoc. I hope they keep the same energy.


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No retard that was because there were no promotions since the protests and looting crap. That's why 120 went in plus huge retirements etc etc

-- Edited by Sgtnogood on Friday 12th of February 2021 05:27:43 AM


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Sgtnogood wrote:

No retard that was because there were no promotions since the protests and looting crap. That's why 120 went in plus huge retirements etc etc

-- Edited by Sgtnogood on Friday 12th of February 2021 05:27:43 AM

 User name checks out 



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This should help with promos.

-- Edited by Futureauxiliary on Friday 12th of February 2021 11:33:00 AM



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Sgtnogood wrote:

No retard that was because there were no promotions since the protests and looting crap. That's why 120 went in plus huge retirements etc etc

-- Edited by Sgtnogood on Friday 12th of February 2021 05:27:43 AM

 Wow my post hurt you that bad? Sensitive much?


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No retard your facts are dumb. Get them straight before you post



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I never stated facts. Just a simple assumption. To think even with 120 in nov the dept is still 420ish short. You must be fun to work with.


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Yes I'm a happy sgt



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35 sgts end of month. No LT class. Good luck to all.


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Kooolaid wrote:

35 sgts end of month. No LT class. Good luck to all.

 Cant comment on class size or even which ranks but source indicated that there will be promotions at the end of the month, 2/26. 



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Does anyone know what happens if you are due for Det. Promotion and sgt. Promotion the same day? Do you defer sgt. and take the Det. shield and just wait for the next promotion class for Sgt? ....is there a number to call to defer promotion? 


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I deferred for 8 months to get my shield. If you are due on the same day I would call and ask and see what they say. If you cant do it the same day then just wait for the next bmoc and put your feet up on the desk while you wait. I was lucky enough that you still went into bmoc first so I got my shield on a Friday then started bmoc on Monday. Call 646-610-6888 its uniform promotions. You have to send a short 49 with your tax list exam number and stating you want to defer your promotion to Sgt. After you get your shield, call them up and tell them you want to be re activated on the sgt list and I believe I sent up the same 49 just asking to be re activated. Theyre good in that unit, theyll tell you exactly what you need. You still go right to top pay. Its well worth the extra month or so wait.



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Thank you!! I keep hearing different information regarding the top pay situation. I heard that after the new det contract  its no longer top pay but you go to a pay as a 3 year sgt. Which is better than starting from scratch anyways. Thanks a lot for the info! That helped i lot. I will give them a call on monday! 


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No problem. As long as the base pay for detective is higher than the step before top pay sgt its going to be right to top pay. Ive only been promoted for 8 months so I was under the new detective contract when I got my shield.



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35 Sgt's ?

That doesnt even sound right. At the end of the day any class is better then no class, 35 just sounds odd.

Just happy to hear that there are whispers of another promo at the end of the month. Hope the number 35 changes though.



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35 sergeants ? I don't think I ever witness a sergeant promotions with only 35 sergeants. I hope that number much larger


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Im not believing this 35 business. Koooolaid has no track record. I'm ignoring that post for now, and I think the rest of you should too. Enjoy the weekend!



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motifier does have a track record though and he says promos slated for 2/26, thats good news in itself. Hopefully the class size sorts itself out.



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I will wait to see what Truthseeker post about promotions 


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if they've been putting in 75 sgt/40 lt bmocs, it makes sense if there's no lt bmoc that there would be 35 in the sgt class.


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37 is the historical average per month. 37x12=444. When did some of these guys get on the job? 3 months ago? 75 is not always the class, there have been plenty of 35-40 person Sgt BMOCs over the years. Look at this past year there was Lt Bmocs ranging from 15-50. We had a 142 person Sgt Bmoc. The job can do whatever it wants! There is no makes sense, nothing make sense. If you dont know that, you havent been on the job long enough. Good luck to everyone, I hope the whole list gets made.



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I hope list gets finished but i wouldn't be surprised if it gets cut



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As of last week nothing on promotions. But I was told too early to tell and the word is that promotions should continue steadily. Ill see if anything changes this week


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Noice i have 13 years on the job for your information. Now you tell me when was the last sergeants class with 35 people. I am not taking about averages for the year and what each month turns out to be number wise.


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All hail truthseeker


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Rising star smoker when?


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fiftyfouredp wrote:

Rising star smoker when?

 If narco26 can make 155 lbs hes mine 


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Bklynsouth3020 wrote:
fiftyfouredp wrote:

Rising star smoker when?

 If narco26 can make 155 lbs hes mine 

 I think his mom wouldnt let him



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155lbs? most girls on this job are 155lbs... oh.. wait... are you a? Jkkk

-- Edited by yougonow on Sunday 14th of February 2021 04:12:21 PM


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List will be slowing down like I said.



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This guys the ultimate troll. Lol



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