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Post Info TOPIC: May 2015

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RE: May 2015

DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

This guy just got back from rioting in Baltimore.  No real cop would say this.


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Far from it. My opinion is there's a place for everything, this place is for list information.


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swayze i know your not serious with that comment..can't wait to see u in BMOC...u shouldn't be hard to spot



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A post for officer moore. One of New Yorks finest. Never forget those before us who paid the ultimate price.....


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THERE IS A TIME AND A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING. AND THAT TIME IS RIGHT NOW. Pray for PO Brian Moore, his family, and the MOS from the 105. Despite this being a promotion forum, this is a UMOS forum first. So if a member feels like putting things into perspective by giving a prayer to a brother that desperately needs it, I am all for it. Swayze if anything you should go Stand by your fax machine and wait for the FINEST until further notice. Don't even post on this site. This way no one needs to hear one-way comments like that. I would rather give up my rank if it meant watching this man go home to his family tonight...



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Swayze here's a bIG FU. Im ashamed to ever call u a sgt. It's obvious more important u pr!ck to get info about a promotion then a brother who I hear may die today. You're a POS and I hope that promotion never comes for u...



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The officer is brain dead...you csn have your forum back swayze


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Let's all keep Officer Moore And his family in our prayers...there is more important things then getting promoted.....let's all pray for a miracle



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He us being taken off life support today..confirmed...he was pronounced brain dead 10 am this morning



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RIP brother. Another tragic and senseless death. I can't believe I have to go to another funeral. Makes me sick thinking about it.


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Officer Moore has passed, RIP. Another tragic act at the hands of a savage. This is why we need the death penalty.



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RIP. Police officer Moore no



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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 It's pieces of **** like you that have ruined our job. Shame on you. Shame.

P.o. Moore ' s father, retired Sgt. Moore will never hold his son again. His mother who gave him life and watched him grow up to be an extordinary young police officer will never see her son's face again.

P.O. Moore went to work that day just like we all do and will never return home again. And you are worried about your worthless promotion.  

Shame on you Swayze. Shame. 




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R.I.P. Police Officer Moore


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You act like I don't care about Officer Moore, which if you knew me you would know is a reckless statement. I've been to every LOD funeral since I'm on this job. That being said my point is I don't see any reasoning to post about his demise on a sgt's promotional forum, where I would hope the people who read these postings are knowledgeable and up to date on the situation before checking this forum of usually incorrect info. If you come to this forum for news other than a promotion than shame on you. But again, RIP PO Moore.



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swayze...this is bigger then any promotion. WE as a whole on this board take for granted life, bc it all becomes about the promotion. Like we are all going to die to wait another month for this promotion. Something as big as this deserves the attention of every thread....this is much bigger then any promotion we will ever receive. In the end, whats a promotion if we forgot the brotherhood that bonds us all together to begin with.



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sgt2be wrote:

swayze...this is bigger then any promotion. WE as a whole on this board take for granted life, bc it all becomes about the promotion. Like we are all going to die to wait another month for this promotion. Something as big as this deserves the attention of every thread....this is much bigger then any promotion we will ever receive. In the end, whats a promotion if we forgot the brotherhood that bonds us all together to begin with.



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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 That commenet is just jawdropping. Sorry, but sure as hell wouldnt want to be working under or with you.


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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 Being directly involved in this situation that caused this kids death reading this comment makes me absolutely sick. You should probably not show your face.



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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.



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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

This is why we can't have nice things


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Swayze if anything, just do us a solid and post what command you go to when you graduate bmoc, this way I can work on the opposite side of NYC. thanks kid.

-- Edited by CHINSTRAP on Tuesday 5th of May 2015 04:54:35 PM



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That guy Swayze is a douche. I never post here ... but I just had to post it. You are a douchebag dude ... stay away from these forums or just make a new account. You really are a douchebag ...



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Swayze what a douche you are. You are part of the reason that this job is toast.

-- Edited by fedup on Tuesday 5th of May 2015 09:22:08 PM


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You messed up big time with this post. SMFH





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Someone on this site knows who this guy is. His identity should be outted



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From the way he was talking he is in the next bmoc. He will get called out. We will make his identity known. What a f***ing coward thing to say. If there is anyone I would love to fight in a smoker it's that clown.

-- Edited by Shotsfired on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 04:32:06 AM



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This should narrow it down....


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Date: February 25th

Just called Boro, I didn't make it. I'm mid 1430's.



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And I doubt many detectives will be in that class.


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Admin Remove DetSwayze from this site. He seems to only care about his test score and not a fellow officer who was killed. The cop posted that comment to remember that this job is more then all of this and that this kid will never get to go home to his family again. selfish d**khead comment. PLEASE BAN HIM FROM THE SITE.


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Detective in the mid 1430's...hmm



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DetSwayze gonna walk into the next BMOC, and guys will be like...


This job is doomed because of guys like this that keep getting promoted.

-- Edited by scheduleB_magnet on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 03:28:30 PM








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scheduleB_magnet wrote:



Lol. I don't mean to laugh but it's true and it's d1ckheads like him that gives us all a bad name.  


DetSwayze gonna walk into the next BMOC, and guys will be like...


This job is doomed because of guys like this that keep getting promoted.

-- Edited by scheduleB_magnet on Wednesday 6th of May 2015 03:28:30 PM



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DetSwayze wrote:

You act like I don't care about Officer Moore, which if you knew me you would know is a reckless statement. I've been to every LOD funeral since I'm on this job. That being said my point is I don't see any reasoning to post about his demise on a sgt's promotional forum, where I would hope the people who read these postings are knowledgeable and up to date on the situation before checking this forum of usually incorrect info. If you come to this forum for news other than a promotion than shame on you. But again, RIP PO Moore.

 You know who else has been to every LOD funeral since coming onto the job....bill deblasio and his wife...



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DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 DetSwayze, you Sir are a Scumbag! And deserve special recognition for your scumbag-ness!!! You're everything that's wrong with this job and I hope your promotion never comes. We need leaders that will lead by example and you clearly don't have what it takes. You may have passed a test but you will never be a true leader. I feel bad for the cops that you'll supervise bc any of them potentially could, but I hope not, make the ultimate sacrifice. You should seriously change you're outlook on things if not for us on this forum then for the cops you'll be supervising. PO Moore should have been everyone's concern on and off this forum! I'm glad you were able to make it to his funeral, so did De Blasio and his wife, way to go scumbag. 

1st and last post just for you! Enjoy your Special Recognition!!!!! 



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Detswayze=Scumbag wrote:
DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 DetSwayze, you Sir are a Scumbag! And deserve special recognition for your scumbag-ness!!! You're everything that's wrong with this job and I hope your promotion never comes. We need leaders that will lead by example and you clearly don't have what it takes. You may have passed a test but you will never be a true leader. I feel bad for the cops that you'll supervise bc any of them potentially could, but I hope not, make the ultimate sacrifice. You should seriously change you're outlook on things if not for us on this forum then for the cops you'll be supervising. PO Moore should have been everyone's concern on and off this forum! I'm glad you were able to make it to his funeral, so did De Blasio and his wife, way to go scumbag. 

1st and last post just for you! Enjoy your Special Recognition!!!!! 




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Detswayze=Scumbag wrote:
DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 DetSwayze, you Sir are a Scumbag! And deserve special recognition for your scumbag-ness!!! You're everything that's wrong with this job and I hope your promotion never comes. We need leaders that will lead by example and you clearly don't have what it takes. You may have passed a test but you will never be a true leader. I feel bad for the cops that you'll supervise bc any of them potentially could, but I hope not, make the ultimate sacrifice. You should seriously change you're outlook on things if not for us on this forum then for the cops you'll be supervising. PO Moore should have been everyone's concern on and off this forum! I'm glad you were able to make it to his funeral, so did De Blasio and his wife, way to go scumbag. 

1st and last post just for you! Enjoy your Special Recognition!!!!! 


 Well said....swayze sounds like a one way fvck and unless he is in IAB I doubt that he is a detective



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Detswayze=Scumbag wrote:
DetSwayze wrote:

This is a sgts promotion forum not Thee Rant or Facebook shotsfired - unnecessary and annoying.

 DetSwayze, you Sir are a Scumbag! And deserve special recognition for your scumbag-ness!!! You're everything that's wrong with this job and I hope your promotion never comes. We need leaders that will lead by example and you clearly don't have what it takes. You may have passed a test but you will never be a true leader. I feel bad for the cops that you'll supervise bc any of them potentially could, but I hope not, make the ultimate sacrifice. You should seriously change you're outlook on things if not for us on this forum then for the cops you'll be supervising. PO Moore should have been everyone's concern on and off this forum! I'm glad you were able to make it to his funeral, so did De Blasio and his wife, way to go scumbag. 

1st and last post just for you! Enjoy your Special Recognition!!!!! 






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He deleted his account....the thing I don't get ...we all do things we regret. Out of fustration, anger etc. Why couldn't the guy just apologize. Everyone always seems to just want to make excuses....sometimes being humble and admitting u messed up can be turned into a positive experience...oh well rip po moore

-- Edited by sgt2be on Sunday 10th of May 2015 08:42:20 PM


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When should we hear something if there is gonna be a June class or not ?


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Probably in a couple weeks...unless it comes from brat sooner



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Hi - I am a detective that will probably be in the next class (1450s) - please don't confuse me with this ass when we're in BMOC ...


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hmmmm your post is questionable at best since swayze deleted his account. 


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I am also a detective that will hopefully be in the next class...I also don't want to get confused with that d!ck lol



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Except my account was active before he deleted his. I started the thread about delaying a promotion weeks ago.


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He said he was in the 1430's. There's 2 detectives. Shouldn't be hard to figure it out



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Guys you realize that's even if he was telling the truth about his rank and list number. You can't just assume a detective is this guy and attack. Lol.  Don't get me wrong though who ever that is, I agree with your opinions whole heartedly.  I'm just saying take into consideration he might have lied About his rank and list number.  

-- Edited by Semp1 on Tuesday 12th of May 2015 03:58:54 PM

-- Edited by Semp1 on Tuesday 12th of May 2015 05:28:00 PM


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infinity wrote:

He said he was in the 1430's. There's 2 detectives. Shouldn't be hard to figure it out

 The other detective is going to walk into BMOC with a big sign around his/her neck "IT WASN'T ME!!"


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