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Hello fellow officers:

It is with heavy heart  that I come to you with visions of the other side of the golden badge. I was promoted out of the June class and I am here to tell you that is is not all peaches and cream. I, like many before me, thought I was god's gift to my new command but how wrong I was.The only way I can describe it is that it is like going to a new school where upon you meet new teachers, new friends, new bullies and NEW PROBLEMS. You are not a junior or a senior entering this establishment but instead a freshman. I sit here and read the comments every other night and it boggles the mind how some of you are in a rush to be made. Sorry to say it but once you finally get made it's rookie city all over again no matter how much time you had on the job or how thick your knee pads are.  I had some time on the job when i was made but that all went south when I hit my new command. WE ARE THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL AND WE WILL GET THE SHIIT END OF THE STICK! I will spare you all the details but let's just say that you will be savoring the **** for quite some time. It is for this reason and this reason alone I return to share some words of wisdom. I will use the words from one of my favorite 80's movies and say this to you....."STAY GOLDEN , PONY BOY.....STAY GOLDEN"


Always remember that the grass is not always greener on the other side and it will take many seasons of piled on menure before your lawn looks spectacular. 

Always remember, slow your roll and do not be in a rush to step into the big boy shoes. Enjoy what you have now.

-- Edited by fatback on Thursday 2nd of August 2012 09:16:50 PM

-- Edited by fatback on Thursday 2nd of August 2012 09:17:22 PM



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Thank you and good luck to you... but I still can't wait to be promoted =)



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Doggie, thanks. I do not mean to scare anyone by posting my story but instead look to calm all those who are whipping themselves into a fervor. There is no rush to be made especially when you are rushing to get handed a bag of shiit. Relax and rest assured that your time will come to tongue the anus of the job. Do not be surprised when you emerge with an anal hair or two in between your teeth for this, my friend, is the nature of the the beast here at the NYPD.


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I love being a sgt. Its been great for me



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The transition from cop into sgt is NOT an easy one !!

However, sgt to Lt.......almost seamless


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SimplySgt is baaaaaaaack!



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fatback wrote:

Doggie, thanks. I do not mean to scare anyone by posting my story but instead look to calm all those who are whipping themselves into a fervor. There is no rush to be made especially when you are rushing to get handed a bag of shiit. Relax and rest assured that your time will come to tongue the anus of the job. Do not be surprised when you emerge with an anal hair or two in between your teeth for this, my friend, is the nature of the the beast here at the NYPD.

Lol I love the "your time will come to tongue the anus of the job." part. I bet you are right n all but the way I c it, we must pay our "dues" to be able to enjoy the rank of LT one day :)


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Um I was told this job is XX years of just putting up with other peoples S-H-I-*. Why would it be any different at a new rank.


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Fatback, very well said in a poetic symbolic kind of way. Everything you said was spot on.


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BoogieDownMarine wrote:

SimplySgt is baaaaaaaack!

Someone beat me to it

Look up and READ

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This guy isn't even a cop; who the hell on this job calls it a BADGE. It's a shield....


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Que, hate to burst you bubble but I, like so many others, do call it a badge and I am a cop so what is your point again?


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It is badge, nypd just gotta be different calling it shield.


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The words badges and shields are used interchangeably by members of the NYPD. The usage of the aforementioned word does not denote the fact that a person is not a member of the NYPD. I am guessing that Que1999 is not a detective.


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You don't have to be a detective to know a useless troll on this forum... You didn't have to respond 3 times with 3 different aliases to give yourself more credibility. On that note, yea troll your right.... I ALWAYS hear guys on the NYPD call it a badge. Not a shield, what was I thinking....


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Seems like the little boy has gotten snippy. He has a thin skin if you ask me and quite the imagination. I hereby retract the initial assessment of him not being a detective. I'll replace it with the word "defective" instead. Sleep well, little;e boy and try not to get so easily hooked.


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Why hello SimplySgt, you loser tard of a Boss! I hope you're catching CD's like Jerry Rice. You're an abortion to the rank!



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JobsAJoke wrote:

Why hello SimplySgt, you loser tard of a Boss! I hope you're catching CD's like Jerry Rice. You're an abortion to the rank!



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The 'golden shield' is great. If you were a complainer as a cop you will be as a boss of any rank.


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Officer Groves was pretty happy to see me the other day. I ran 15 flights of stairs for him. Look back through this forum, find my name and ask my cops what they think of me. I have nothing to hide which is why I'm one of the few whose real name is on this forum(maybe the only).

Assbags will remain assbags, and good cops (and persons) will stay good cops no matter what rank they are. Anyone who hasn't learned that either has no time on the job or falls in the former bunch.

-- Edited by AirborneGuy on Friday 3rd of August 2012 04:45:28 PM


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que1999 wrote:

You don't have to be a detective to know a useless troll on this forum... You didn't have to respond 3 times with 3 different aliases to give yourself more credibility. On that note, yea troll your right.... I ALWAYS hear guys on the NYPD call it a badge. Not a shield, what was I thinking....

 seriously, the only people that call it a badge are the street delegates looking to make a ccrb.


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AirborneGuy wrote:

The 'golden shield' is great. If you were a complainer as a cop you will be as a boss of any rank.

Exactly, it's like what I tell guys when this discussion comes up for someone whose on the list, "What kind of boss you think he or she will be?".. Simple. What kind of cop were they? If they were a useless cop they'll be the same way as a boss, if they were miserable... Then you'll have a miserable guy. If they were great and all the other cops they work with can attest to that, well good for you your gonna have a great boss. Unless you get one of those guys who never worked as a cop, but now since they're a boss they wanna be out there acting all crazy because they don't have to deal with the bag afterwards..... That's another kind of boss.


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TransitSucks wrote:

I love being a sgt. Its been great for me

I love my new rank too eventhough I'm not as blessed as transit sucks to be in the hook place.....


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Looking at some of the comments on this thread I know who exactly will be a loser boss. If they are tools as a cop they definitely will be tools as a boss. Sadly, some guys never know when to stop abusing the cool aid. I pity the people who will be supervised by que1999 and airborneguy.


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Running errands for for fellow knee pad wearers? WTF? Yep I guess I pegged it when I said you were a "TOOL". Some people are born with cool aid residue on their lips. There are destined to be the job's tools...LOL!


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Airborne, don't feed the troll. This whole thread is a trolling thread, nothing more.


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Theres trolls, then there's those with no balls. :) Be safe to the real cops out there.


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fatback wrote:
I will use the words from one of my favorite 80's movies and say this to you....."STAY GOLDEN , PONY BOY.....STAY GOLDEN"


The book was better.



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wtf did you expect when you got promoted? i never posted on this site because i dont have any "inside" information but this is unreal. some posts here are informative but i never seen so much bitching and moaning. whoever posted this spent the time to tell all of us that its going to be different going to a new cmd where we will be new. get a life bro. thats whats wrong with this job, theres to many fn crybabies. just do your job. why did you study and take the test? i did it to better the life of me and my family. you shouldve stayed in whatever cmd you were did crime analysis and blow the co. i now feel bad that i took the time away from my son to comment on this nonsense.  best of luck to all the workers who will be great bosses.  the job needs more of those then these cry babies

-- Edited by spike on Sunday 5th of August 2012 04:50:46 PM



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"So my little bit of wisdom is, get ready to deal with (some of these possibilities) no OT, flying to other commands regularly, the uncertainty of random tour changes, the possibility of your steady tour or regular RDO schedule being changed, getting all the sh^t details, getting the sh^t assignment at those details"-------- this is your contribution to guys who are about to get promoted?  stop bitching and moaning and do your job

-- Edited by spike on Sunday 5th of August 2012 07:57:29 PM


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mjehangir96 wrote:
TransitSucks wrote:

I love being a sgt. Its been great for me


I love my new rank too eventhough I'm not as blessed as transit sucks to be in the hook place.....

 come, stop it. you had a take home car for bmoc. i saw your friend the other day that you use to drive to bmoc with. lol


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I havent posted in a while. But, I have to agree with FATBACK, although I do love my new rank, as he stated its not all gravy. Only reason why I still check this site is to see when classes are going in so I can pray my command will get a new Sgt there by giving me some seniority. Make no mistake, you will be the rookie again. Don't care if you have 15+ years on. And although we all understand what having no time in rank means before you get promoted, it doesn't mean you'll enjoy dealing with what that entails just because you have a gleaming new shield or badge or whatever. So my little bit of wisdom is, get ready to deal with (some of these possibilities) no OT, flying to other commands regularly, the uncertainty of random tour changes, the possibility of your steady tour or regular RDO schedule being changed, getting all the sh^t details, getting the sh^t assignment at those details, etc etc etc... So in closing, HURRY THE F UP AND GET PROMOTED, Rookie LOL!!

DV Doldrum

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Spike you must be one regular supercop to come on bash a few people just out to give a word to the wise. Laughable, and what's your great contribution to those guys waiting to get promoted? Don't cry? Stay in your Cmd? Thanks Einstein.

DV Doldrum


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Spike=SimplySgt. Just ignore the troll.



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what's the wise word or contribution at saying that you shouldnt anticipate being promoted to sgt because you might work an rdo or your going to be treated like a rookie again? sounds like complaining to me. i was telling the babies complaining to stay in their commands einstein.


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Read my original post Buddy, and tell me where I said I regret being promoted. Or that I don't recommend it. Shytstirrer.

DV Doldrum

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When i have more time in rank and feel comfortable emparting more wisdom, i will, but then again JO's like u make me remember why I stopped posting in the 1st place. Last post - your a troll loser.

DV Doldrum


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good luck and be safe bro.


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TransitSucks wrote:

mjehangir96 wrote:
TransitSucks wrote:

I love being a sgt. Its been great for me


I love my new rank too eventhough I'm not as blessed as transit sucks to be in the hook place.....

 come, stop it. you had a take home car for bmoc. i saw your friend the other day that you use to drive to bmoc with. lol

He's also in the North with you but little shi$$y side...the 30.... I love my new rank and the place of work too bro. Just messing with you. Stay safe on those highway enterences ....lol.



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SHUT UP , FATBACK! Truth be told he was the biggest tool on patrol that there has eve been. Any advice from him is worth shiit.



-- Edited by RogianSgt on Wednesday 8th of August 2012 05:01:13 AM



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Oh the memories



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Zweben is the biggest loser I ever met on this job. I can't believe he's a LT now smh !!!

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