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Fasttrack Cram

Is it just me or is the joint cram class a big negative..? The class is focused more for sgts test.. I was very disapointed...


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I agree 100%
To be honest I'm very disappointed with the way fast track is doing things for this test it seems they are more focused on getting rich and saving money then actually preparing us for this test


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The Key's Cram is comin up and so is KSA's i hope there better


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It's unfortunate but that seems to be the case. I also got the sense that now that they have our money, they didnt care about the quality of the class and weren't even trying!!!!


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there's not much from 207, 210, and 204 that call for specific lt. duties. 202 they could have done a little better.
overall not bad something like 300 questions


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At this point, best thing to do is questions, questions, and more questions.  Too bad schools like fast track and key skimp on questions.  Has anyone completed rising star's 1100+ cram question yet? I figure reading the PG 2-3 hrs a day and then doing all the questions will take up at least a month



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dont forget the Academy's material (with questions)


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I also got the sense that they didnt really care...


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not a seat to spare @ monday night fast track cram. lots of people jumping in the game now


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The packets are great... But the instruction was terrible


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Dude i walked out..... Those guys were late, and talk to us like its our 1st test....then that extra hour was wasted. I was supposed to listen to that instructor for the next three hours read questions to us??? Get the fudge put of here... I did a better job at home by myself..... Im going to all the keys cram, so i got my moneys worth at least... But key is much better in the past, hope they stay that way


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Smfh-- i thought it was only me.... Alot of people in bmoc were ranting about them today... I paid for the whole course up front like a dummy.....


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It should be solo from here on.  I am glad that I didn't pay for the full course, just some classes here and there.  The best bargain, by far, are the rising star questions.  Even if I had to pay for the course myself (and not split the cost with 2-3 people like I'm sure you all did:)


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You guys are making me feel better that I didn't pay for the cram. A month and a half to go, plenty of time to read and get through the pg again



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FREE Academy materials guys !!!

FREE, can't hurt !


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Mn50 us bxtf guys know how to study! We'll run thru that book 2 more time


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Brat, will the academy be putting up a 100 question test again? They did it for the sgt test back in 08 and it was the hardest and most realistic test I took of all these classes. Also will the academy be putting up an in basket in the coming weeks?

When you see me coming best get out of my way cause the pendulm is swingin' back the other way


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I would love to, however timing is not good this time around.  I am getting promoted at the end of the month and may not have time to do that.......what i will do is put up whatever questions i have left that i havent used but there wont be as many as 100.  There definately wont be an inbasket this time.  I will try and work on some Admin Guide stuff, but again, depends on my whereabouts and such. 


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Thank you brat


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Thanks. Would be appreciated



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You guys should know by now, that the key is far superior. I do wish they had more questions, but just the way they break stuff down with charts and grids does wonders. A joint cram class is a huge mistake.


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Well the key instructors are more into helping you understand the material
Unlike the fast track who is only interested in hitting on females during class ( hey sweat heart what's the answer)


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Lol, sounds like banks to me


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Whatever works for the individual, everyone promoted here has done one of the classes or both, or just read the pg. Whichever it was it worked, we're all sgts, so no need to disparage ones method



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me on the other hand cant stand the Key.... they have less questions, they cover less of the material... personally i prefer the fast track. I took a look at the key cram schedule, wow, i wonder how they are going to cover 6-7 sections... they covering (205, 207, 208 same day, not to mention the 202-204) in 3 hrs, lol... no way you can compare the key to fast track.... and those key notes are horrible, they look like scramble eggs on the page.... hey but whatever floats your boat...

-- Edited by hollar on Friday 23rd of September 2011 01:36:01 PM



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i am sorry hollar you do not like the key, but i still think you can not compare the classes. The packets of fast track are so disorganized its ridiculous. You have to shuffle through the packet to find anything. It should be notes, and then questions at the end like everyone normal place does it. I do agree that they make some very interesting points. Your reference to scramble eggs on a page, well those stars or highlights are what points out tricks or conflicts in procedures and helps you remember them. You then make reference to the keys cram ? Have you ever been a key cram before. They give you interim orders separate in a book, legal bulletins good ones and bad separate and are going to give a rewrite of 2006 Lt exam. Yet you still think they fall short ? The key by far, prepares you for all the exams better than anyone else. I also find it very annoying when Fast track goes from 202 to 207 back to 204 , then to 212. Just go in order. But probably if you take the good points from both classes is the best anyway. But, good luck to all studying....


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Im looking forward to the keys cram tomorow morning..... I would have did them through out the last 6 month but i started studying after the classes started and the fast track had the LMS.... If the key had the LMS everyone would jump ship to the key...


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may or may not do the cram.  Questions are what you need.  Rising Star, by far, has the best and most questions.  Cheap, too, figuring 2-3 guys probably split 1 packet.


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How much does the keys cram course goes for?



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Rising Star great questions....
I like the Fast Track System though... I like the way they divide the sections... I like the questions in between, so it can drive in key points... LOVE the LMS!!! I can see and hear classes over over over again, lol... plus they have more questions online....
I don't like the Brain Storming notes of the Key... to each there on.... I was in the first class on my sgt exam, and i'm counting on that for this LT exam, and I give all the credit to the Fast Track.

But good luck to all, who cares who has the best course, they making great $$$ teaching them, and help us obtain that rank...



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btw, have u seen the two packets side by side... no way the FT isnt organize.... i get dizzy just looking at the key....

if you dont attend the key class that day, trying to put together that packet is tough

Hands down, Academy Best notes!!!

-- Edited by hollar on Saturday 24th of September 2011 01:49:19 AM


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Academy is pretty good but leaves alot of material out, and just refers you to the PG. I did Key for Sgt and now for Lt and I wouldn't go anywhere else, but I only went to 1 FT course and liked the way the key ran the classes better. Who really cares as long as you get promoted. I dont think it really matters. Bottom line as you all know you have to put the time in.

-- Edited by Bx Bomber on Saturday 24th of September 2011 09:40:13 AM



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academy left stuff out on purpose..............got rid of what was thought to be fluff, common knowledge, repetitiveness or non-testable material..............what would be the point of re-writing the PG


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True, not exactly what I meant I guess. Academy material is very good, prob just used to the Key material and using it got me a great score once, so I'm just tying to use the same study techniques and material I used for Sgt exam, which was key classes, crams, and questions along with the Academy questions which I think are great and the most realistic of ALL the schools.


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Academy Questions are great.... They gave me a small beating the other day..... If i get to the top of the LT's list ima find Brat and Make-Out with her!!!!!!!!

Brat i need Cims Questions forthwithe--!!!!



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CIMS will be up Monday, I promise.............. come Wednesday i may be on a bit of a hiatus.........BMOC (or what ever it is called for Lts) ...............then I should continue possibly with a little Admin Guide and Penal Law


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Brat u deserve weds.... Ill be there early... Ill be the one giving Kelly a coach's patt


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brat..... how would you rate the difficulty of the exam questions between the academy and the actual test,,, comparing the one you took,,, it seems the academy questions are kinda easy



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impossible to tell.............different people write the exam each time.........no way of knowing till you sit and take the exam on test day.............and then you can let me know



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thank you Brat for doing extra beyond PG material.... that would be AWESOME if you can do some Penal Law and AG.... Greatly appreciated!!!!



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yes, thank you brat for all the help


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The key cram consisted of 202 and a few interim orders. Too much material to cram. Sections like 205, 207, 208 and of course 212 can't be covered in a four hour class.


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What class were you at??? They key covered ALOT of what very well could be on the test...if your a " fast track lover", thats fine i wont judge you but , i thot the key cram is on point.. A little disapointed that the LBB werent on CDs, but hopefully i can find a previous cd and wing it..or just look at the newer ones.



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How can u say few interim orders were covered ?

They included all interim orders in separate booklet for 2010 and in an upcoming week will have all interim orders testable for 2011.



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The key cram i find is fantastic.


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The key is by far way better then the fast track
The only good thing the fast track has going is their patrol guide

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