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Post Info TOPIC: Time B4 07 Sgt List Is Finished

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Time B4 07 Sgt List Is Finished

ideaOn the 2007 Sgt Test (list 6513) section, they say they are up to the 2nd BLC class & up to list # 217 out of 349, with 90 total pass overs for various reasons (time/jammed up/lack of college etc.) this leaves 349-217 = 132 + 90 = 222 names before they need the 08 list. (There is also a thread there that talks about a 3rd BLC in april or may so maybe 222-50=172 ).

All this & a educated guess would tell you 08 list 1st class might be in jan 09


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I think the number was 338 passing. so 338 (list) - 217 (list # up to) = 121 (promoted so far) + 90 (skipped) = 211 actually left on the list.

However, you also need to deduct those on the list that either "flew the coop" to nassau/suffolk/FD/everywhere else OR were promoted off of the prior list but took this exam "just in case."



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Phil Atio wrote:

However, you also need to deduct those on the list that either "flew the coop" to nassau/suffolk/FD/everywhere else OR were promoted off of the prior list but took this exam "just in case."

I forgot about those people! That is probably a decent chunk of every single exam list on this job. :o


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the numbers you have is way off .  the number is less than 200


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339 passed, 75 promoted in bmoc 1 55 in bmoc 2, people passed over also includes ones who have charges pending and or lack of coll. cred. plus those who have left to other depts and or retired.


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212 left on list i guess.

figure 10% of the list left for greener pastures...so 33 right off the top gone.


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I know for a fact the list is less than 200 it's all about who you know


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It's simple math, 339 - 75-55=209, so maybe 10-15 left the dept for nass, suff, retired or just vested out. You don;t have too know somebody to figure that out.


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what math are you doing?????? the list is less than 200 to all the know it alls and 5 year wonders.


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Well i think i should know since i'm on the list. 339 people passed the 2007 exam.


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Have fun waiting two years to get promoted


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how many were promoted off of the last test, but took this one just in case...

how many vested out...

how many left for nassau/suffolk/westchester/MTA/King Kullen/McDonalds...

how many just quit...

how many don't have college requirement...

the only thing we do know, is no one left for PAPD.


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,..........no one left for PAPD yet....


Although I do like pv$$y, I don't like the smell of a qwiff.

Stay thirsty my friends.....

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