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Post Info TOPIC: How many people passed in your pct?


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How many people passed in your pct?

My pct. only 2 including myself. 


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3 including myself


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2 including myself


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just me


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7 people including myself passed all low 70's.


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12....and no I'm not lieing. maybe its b/c a sector in my pct averages 4 radio runs a night



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at least 9, possibly more



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15!  geeks in details.12 of em less than 5 years


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Three Including my self!!!!!!!!,......High 80's,... And we all did it catching cases and going to court


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I have about 10 or so. I heard that only 700 out of a approx 3500 passed. Just what I heard not comfirmed though


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I heard from a RELIABLE source at !#@$S that about 345 to 430 passed!!!!!!!


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jaggedj wrote:

12....and no I'm not lieing. maybe its b/c a sector in my pct averages 4 radio runs a night

No, its not 12. More like 8-9.

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I believe about 4 or 5 from what I hear


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seven. "Many" It's tough to tell on the computer, but I'm hoping that "catching cases and going to court" comment was a sarcastic one. If not, you are a flat out cornball!!!!!!! bleh So you made a collar, then studied for 6 hours on overtime, then went to court and studied 8hr25min that you weren't testifying. Wow, how did you manage?biggrin


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Just me in my command


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is it just me or does "many" sound like a buff? bro u comment on everything. I think u sit home and catch a woody reading all ur retarded comments. like how u'll b sipping on gin n juice. dude u passed.... congrats!! now can u shut the hell up?ur even commenting on the 07 sgt thread? u must b really bored!!


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"many" must be on vacation because if he was working he would definetly be catching cases and going to court. What a go getter!!! I hope I have 12 "many"s in my squad.



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BNTF, like 6 passed including myself. I got 18 wrong but get max seniority pts.3 others got 18 or better and the others got low 70's.The way it looks is the list should be established by the summer.They are up to 156 out of 325 for the 2007 exam.There are 2 more BMOC classes.1 scheduled for March and one in April/May to likely finish the list.


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Don't think they can finish the list until January of 09. I've heard people talk of a double list, where they establish another list but can't hire off of it until the first list expires or is exausted.


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I posted this in another thread, I don't think your list will be established by the summer.  A list has to be established for at least one year, unless like someone else posted the PC promotes provisional sgt's, which wouldnt be likely.  Plus there are a good number of guys on this list who dont hit their 5 years until july 08 and a couple who hit 5 in jan 09, so there would hopefully be another BMOC in july and another towards the end of the year.



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So far only 3 passed in mine, let's see if those suddenly missing sheets magically return.  Why do guys do that?

Many people scored in the 60's even some people I know weren't studying, how could that happen? Does anyone think this was a gimme test?



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A lof of people also scored in the 60s in my precinct too.

I dont think it was a gimme test. It was a test that a lot of people actually studied for. I remember when that new SGT contract came out, pretty much everyone buckled down and took this test seriously. More so, then the last few tests.

No contract for four years and a 40% salary increase to SGT will motivate people to study.


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Spread em wrote:

So far only 3 passed in mine, let's see if those suddenly missing sheets magically return.  Why do guys do that?

Many people scored in the 60's even some people I know weren't studying, how could that happen? Does anyone think this was a gimme test?

unlike anybody else I will go out on a limb n say this was a gimme test!the inbasket was so easy stevie wonder could've done it without getting. one wrong! if the whole test was the inbasket I wouldve had a 100. I'm mean don't get me wrong u had to read the pg. but if u read it once u couldve past this test. I remember looking at a question n having the answer jump off the page at me n I was thinking no way this can't b the answer they must b tricking me cuz this is too easy. but it was the answer. I left the school knowing i passed. I'm not a good test taker by no means n for me to say this was a gimme test means........ this test was a gimme test. some ppl will get mad at me n think I'm not giving them credit for passing..... not true. who ever passed deserves it n congrats to all. to all out there that failed. shame on u cuz u won't see another test like this for years to come!


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3 in mine, excluding myself, I got 68


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jaggedj wrote:

unlike anybody else I will go out on a limb n say this was a gimme test!the inbasket was so easy stevie wonder could've done it without getting. one wrong! if the whole test was the inbasket I wouldve had a 100. I'm mean don't get me wrong u had to read the pg. but if u read it once u couldve past this test. I remember looking at a question n having the answer jump off the page at me n I was thinking no way this can't b the answer they must b tricking me cuz this is too easy. but it was the answer. I left the school knowing i passed. I'm not a good test taker by no means n for me to say this was a gimme test means........ this test was a gimme test. some ppl will get mad at me n think I'm not giving them credit for passing..... not true. who ever passed deserves it n congrats to all. to all out there that failed. shame on u cuz u won't see another test like this for years to come!

why was this a gimme test? How many x's did you have on your score sheet and how many hours were you studying a day and for how long?



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Don't let this guy ruin it for you or make you feel any less if you didn't pass this one just keep trying. There will be another one soon. Congrats to all who passed see you in BMOC


why so serious?

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hey I'm not trying to ruin it for anybody. who ever failed ruined it for themselves. Im
just giving my opinion.compared to last yrs test this one was ground ball.


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WAITING.... I got 7x so I'm not letting this guy ruin anything for me, I was just wondering if this was such a gimme test, how many did he got wrong. I'm sure now I'm going to get some inflated number, but its kind of an arrogant statement to make given many people I know studied hard and either barely passed or failed by a few and I'm sure everyone on here knows a few people as well. And please, JaggedJ, I'm not looking to get in a pissing match with about scores and I know its difficult to tell the tone of a message on a website, but there is no hate at all here, just looking to have a little convo.smile


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waitingfornassau wrote:

WAITING.... I got 7x so I'm not letting this guy ruin anything for me, I was just wondering if this was such a gimme test, how many did he got wrong. I'm sure now I'm going to get some inflated number, but its kind of an arrogant statement to make given many people I know studied hard and either barely passed or failed by a few and I'm sure everyone on here knows a few people as well. And please, JaggedJ, I'm not looking to get in a pissing match with about scores and I know its difficult to tell the tone of a message on a website, but there is no hate at all here, just looking to have a little convo.smile

hey theres no hate on my part either n like I said b4 I'm not trying to ruin it for anyone. I got 18 wrong. the reason y I said the test was ground ball was b/c last test I got 35 wrong. this test I didn't study as hard n got 18 wrong. a difference of 17. there wasn't that many controversal questions n even u have to admit this inbasket was very easy. so I'm just judging it on my experience. maybe others disagree n hey that's fine. this is America isn't it? disagreements r a beautiful thing.


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well jaggedj, im sure most people that failed don't really want to hear how easy this test was even in America, so maybe comments like that should be best kept to yourself.


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The test was not a ground ball at all. And to say anyone could have passed by reading the PG once is nonsense.

-- Edited by WhatElse at 23:36, 2008-03-03



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What the heck did I start?
I agree with Jagged J to some extent.  Not diminishing anyone's accomplishment, including my own.  The inbasket was beyond simple you could have spitballed it and got the right answer.  Even at the protest after reviewing the questions I thought it wasn't as difficult as '07.  However, those people at DCAS who write this test are pure evil geniuses; they place every word strategically in the body of the question to trip you up.  Even though I didn't need to go, I used a day to go protest and hope a couple get thrown out so some of my buddies can join me.  Gongrats to all who pass, you deserve it and good luck to those waiting for the final key.

Craziest thing is I miss reading the PG, now I know I'm nuts.

-- Edited by Spread em at 23:53, 2008-03-03



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-- Edited by Spread em at 23:53, 2008-03-03



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 I think there is a little truth in everything that's been said, it was not a gimme test b/c it was such a gimme test. Like many of you, while writing the test I kept saying to myself this is way to easy, the other shoe has to drop on the next question and it never really did. Overconfidence was probably the thing that did most people in. If you studied you recognized 90% of that test, and unlike the last one this one did ask for the 'most correct action' as much as just the right action. Still this test got a lot of people as evident in how many actually passed.    



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Asking around, and reading on here, it seems less then a handful per precinct passed. That doesnt sound like a gimme to me...

If a substantial amount passed this one, say 700+, then you can say it was a gimme test.

And jagged, i know a guy who passed the last exam in the mid 70s but got a 66 on this one. Everyones different...


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I agree inbasket was easy, but the rest of the test was not easy to me. I have nothing to compare it to except the KEY rewrites of the 06 and 07 tests. I honestly believed that the actual 08 test was harder than the KEY rewrites of the 06 and 07. So congrats to all those that passed, like my names says we'll be in Bmoc in 09


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protest guy wrote:

well jaggedj, im sure most people that failed don't really want to hear how easy this test was even in America, so maybe comments like that should be best kept to yourself.

aww I'm so sorry protest guy I thought we were all cops here. we deal wit edps, gun runs..etc. so if my lil words on the Internet.... my opinion hurts someones feelings maybe they should consider a new career cuz perps on the street don't care bout "our feelings" n there a hell've alot more mean then me!weirdface.gif


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JaggedJ, I totally respect what you are saying, I was just wondering why and you answered that. Was the 07 KEY rewrite anything like the actual 07 test? I thought the rewrite of 07 was easier than the 08 test. And to BrooklynBacon, which I am assuming isn't the original RANT BrooklynBAcon, why would 700+ people passing make this a groundball test? When the final numbers are in about 1500-2000 more people would have showed for this test than the 07 test and all with a reason to finally study. When the 07 test was given top pay for a Sgt. was what 75k? Now pushing 100k people were actually trying to pass, rather than signing up and seeing what happens. I believe much of why the passing rate of prior exams was so poor was because people really didn't know why they wanted to be a boss and therefore the effort wasn't there. I didn't take prior tests, but took all the rewrites the KEY gave and felt this was right on par with the others. smile Oh yeah, the in basket was a little ridiculous. They should have just made the exam 85 questions and went from there.  


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the 07 key rewrite is comparable to the original 07 test. however they did leave out alot of notoriously ludacris questions that made the test hard. like who operates the heating plant?or what temperature does the viper room need to be.sh*t like that!

-- Edited by jaggedj at 04:01, 2008-03-04


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What is going on here? Are we gonna help each other or not. And congrats to those who passed.


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I studied hard for 7 months and I thought it was a difficult test. I passed but only by 7 points. congrats to those who passed, those who are close hopefully some will get thrown out.



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waitingfornassau wrote:
And to BrooklynBacon, which I am assuming isn't the original RANT BrooklynBAcon, why would 700+ people passing make this a groundball test? When the final numbers are in about 1500-2000 more people would have showed for this test than the 07 test and all with a reason to finally study. When the 07 test was given top pay for a Sgt. was what 75k? Now pushing 100k people were actually trying to pass, rather than signing up and seeing what happens. I believe much of why the passing rate of prior exams was so poor was because people really didn't know why they wanted to be a boss and therefore the effort wasn't there.

No its not not the same one from the rant... though i didnt know there were two of us. The rant is a joke and i never have nor will post there.

5000+ took the last one and 300+ passed.

6200 took this exam. If 700+ passed this one then thats a much higher percentage then the last few tests.

And if you look at what i wrote above i pretty much already said what you just wrote.

A lot of guys took this test seriously compared to old tests because cops havent had a contract in 4 years and a boss currently makes 40k more then us at top pay.



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While 40k is a good incentive to pass the test still not a good reason to be a boss. Someone told me today to run for the door and not let the knob hit me on the way out. The job still isn't standing up for it's people, its bringing more and more preps to patrol and most people who are passing these test don't have the time in the street to be real effective bosses. Can u smell the the scandal brewing in the next 2 to 5 yrs yet?


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Ight B-Bake. handshake.gif



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Yogibjr wrote:

While 40k is a good incentive to pass the test still not a good reason to be a boss. Someone told me today to run for the door and not let the knob hit me on the way out. The job still isn't standing up for it's people, its bringing more and more preps to patrol and most people who are passing these test don't have the time in the street to be real effective bosses. Can u smell the the scandal brewing in the next 2 to 5 yrs yet?

-So then whats a good reason to make boss? Im sure we all have different reasons...

-Let me guess, the person who said 'dont let the knob hit you' is a 15 year vet who said the job isnt what it used to be? Well, the NY Islanders arent what they used to be, a stanley cup winning dynasty and my life was easier when i was kid and played games all day and didnt have to worry about mortgage on a cops salary. Dwelling on how good the past was wont help the present...

-Yes the job doesnt stand up for its people. Yes its sad those guys have to stand trial in the Sean Bell case. But this is a different topic all together...

-More perps coming on the job is something we cant do anything about. Maybe a pay increase for rookies will make that position more competitive, leaving the perps at their Mcdonalds jobs.

-What makes a 8 year cop who went from ftu, to conditions, to crime, to boss more effective then a 5 year boss who spent 4 years in patrol? The guy wouldnt even know the difference between a par and a 61.

Or what would make a 10 year cop, who spent 8 years riding a scooter in a parkers detail, a better boss then a 5 year patrol wonder boss?

The people who would make good bosses, 10-15 year patrol cops, are not the people who are passing these tests. Sadly, the cushy detail cops are because they actually have the time to study. Nothing will change their because this job is all about details.

-I dont care what scandal will be brewing in 5 years because i know i wont be a part of it. I just hope that whatever new PG procedures go into effect because of the scandal doesnt effect me. :)


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very well spoken

-- Edited by jaggedj at 00:00, 2008-03-05


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worship.gif Amen Bacon. Amen.

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