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Just a thought, not hearing anything from any sources but I don't think there will be a March class either. I think they will have a big, 75ish, class in April. Then another big class in July, another 75 - 80 bodies. The only reason I'm thinking this is that this method would put them on an average pace of about 25 bodies per month for the calendar year which would exhaust the list in January 2009. I think this makes sense but who knows. Like the NYPD makes sense. I don't buy that we won't be having a class until June/July. But then again this department is so warped that maybe we'll just have to wait until June/July for the next class. The jobs changing and of course we'll just have to hurry up and wait and see.
I just hope they clear all the guys/gals that have the time on now before july, hopefully in the next month or two depending how many are left that are eligible right now like myself.
That would make sense since they already have enough bodies to put a class or two in right now. But as we all know this department has a lot of common sense and acts logically in all matters.
They need a slew of sgt for Jan just for impact and the new rookies. As for the rest of the list with time, I expect them to stretch it out say 2-3 classes until the next wave on July 1. Those people will have about 2-3 classes then the last class will be Jan/Feb 2009.
So in your opinion guys with time on now will be waiting until july? I figured they would make a few before the summer starts with all the details plus it being busier in most places.
Those 2 - 3 BMOC/BLC classes would have to be small ones, say in the high 20's or low 30's range. You figure they only have 3-4 months for classes staring with March thru June since Feb is a moot point. Who knows, they might have one big one again before June/July. Let's wait and see.
My #'s may be off by a little but here we go, it took approx 150 names to get approx 75 for bmoc1 off a list of 339 i would venture to say college credits not withstanding there are approx 190 at most eligible for the next class, and that is a high estimate, of course that is before july hits 5 yrs. So i would guess two large classes between now and july. That gives us all of march, april, may and june.
I gotta agree with Jumpship that there's probably about around 150 and I'd say that's a high estimate ready for BMOC now. About low 100's don't have the time as of now. 75 are done with leaving about 150. We all know not all of these 150 are ready due to jam ups or lack of credits, I really doubt the lack of credits though because you have to have 60 to become a cop and 64 to become a SGT. unless you were grandfathered in back when you didn't need credits to get on the job. But we all know there will always be some jam ups which will leave us with only about two eligible big classes. The list is just too small which is why they will stretch it out and it's actually fathomable that they won't put in a class until June/July. I don't think they'll wait that long but I could be wrong. Everybody knows why this list is so small, because of the apathy on the job. When we took the test top pay was still only 76,000 with your first 3 years hovering around 61,000 to 63,000 and finally after completion of the 4th year you jumped to 76,000. The only cops who took this exam and studied were the ones who were young, because it pays to get promoted when you're young or the cops in bad spots who were motivated to get the heck out. We had only about 3000 take the test. This 1/26/08 exam had about twice as much and the word is the test wasn't hard, that it was fair with an incredibly easy 15 question in-basket. Amazing what $103,000 top pay can do.