RISING STAR ! The ultimate source to ace your NYPD Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain Exam Visit www.RisingStarPromotion.com to subscribe to our mailing list and get info on the next Sgt, Lt. or Captain Exam!
With all the crying about answers going around and the key not being right and protests etc. I was going to see how creative we could be using the "priceless" commercials. I'll kick it off KEY CLASSES $600 dollars Energy drinks to keep those late night study sessions going $360 dollars Hanging your hat on the 83 you got from this key and then finding out you failed on Feb.25 .....................................PRICELESS!
Give it shot, breaks up the ,monotony of deciding whether 64 was B or C.
rising star study aid $300 dollars internet service $30 dollars being able to watch a bunch of 3 year hairbags whine and complain about people posting questions and answers.........................PRICELESS