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I read the last post and tried to log in to the finest health intranet link so that i could get lesson#8, since everyone here's saying it's like a must have. Anyway, i get to a username and pwd prompt. Well, i dont have one. So my logic was, hmmm...let me call MISD and get a pwd. HA! Give me your name and number and I will call you back. Well, they never did. So i call again, now i get a jack$ss who gives me a number for the academy computer training, telling me they're not in charge of the intranet ( MISD not in charge of intranet) and since it pertains to training,the academy would. Well, needless to say whoever answered the phone at the academy was laughing at me.
I just get frustrated at the number of idiots and useless people we work with. Something so simple but everybody's so god damn lazy and unwilling to help, i guess i must've called too early and ppl were too busy eating their breakfast specials. it's bad enough I have all this pressure with this freaking test, people don't help!!! So let's help ourselves and pass this test saturday!!!
Just a little info for you. You can get Session #8 at work with a computer that has access to the intranet or you can get it at home by going to www.nyc.gov, then go under police at left for agencies and then, "employees" at bottom left to get to the "Finest Health" where you will be asked for username and password (2 times) which was printed in a Finest message way back when exam 7508 was announced. Unfortunately since this is a public forum I will not post this info and unfortunately I am not as computer literate as some other people on this site who will be willing to share this info with you if you "PM" them. As for MISD, it's the same like us, you get some who work and bust their hump and some that do zip. I think calling 911 is like a lottery sometimes, you could get a good cop or a retard. Anyways good luck to you and everybody else out there on Saturday.